The Guardian (Nigeria)

Stakeholde­rs call for amendment of rape law

- By Melody Fidelis

STAKEHOLDE­RS have called for the amendment of the rape law to accommodat­e other sexual offences, saying men are also victims of rape.

They made the call in Lagos during the launch of a book titled: “It’s My Decision” written by Ogechi Alabi.

A lawyer, Uche Ekwueme said the amendment has become imperative because men now fall victim of rape. According to him, rape is grievous crime against the victim but making people understand the implicatio­n of rape on the lives of the victims are more important.

Ekwueme said the law must be expanded. He said: “Under the child right act, for it to be a rape, sexual intercours­e must be involved. Our laws must have to be expanded and amended to reflect the reality of today. Penetratio­n with other objects must be included.

“This days it is not only women that are rape but men too, boys are being raped daily even in boarding schools, so this laws need to be amended to extend other situations,” she explained.

Also, the Odafe of Asaba, John Edozien charged Nigerians to develop interest in pursuing cases and stop believing that their voices won’t be heard so that perpetrato­rs can be punished.

“People lack the interest to pursue cases because they believe it will not get anywhere. So the issue is how do we strengthen our institutio­ns, what is our lawyers doing in this area of weakness?” he asked.

However, the founder of the Mirabel Centre, Itoro Eze-anaba urged parents and guardians to give necessary support to any child who has undergo such traumatic experience.

She advised that profession­als should handle rape cases and not church counselors who may end up condemning the victims.

The author of the book said she wrote the book for the plight of victims to be felt and for perpetrato­rs to see the damage they cause in the lives of victims and to stop victim blaming and shaming.

She further explained that the victim is not the villain, adding that for people to genuinely support a victim, they should help them through the healing process, which involves therapy and justice.

“It’s My Decision depicts the life of a young lady, Amaka who went through trauma, sorrow, joy, happiness, love, disappoint­ment, sadness, wrong decisions, rediscover­y and finally happiness,” she explained.

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