The Guardian (Nigeria)

SSANU warns workers against voting for selfish politician­s

- From Collins Olayinka, Abuja

THE Senior Staff Associatio­n of Nigerian Universiti­es (SSANU) has warned workers against voting for politician­s that are not committed to ensuring a better working condition in the country.

In a communiqué issued at the end of its 34th National Executive Council, (NEC), meeting, at the Delta State University, DELSU, Abraka, the National President of the union, Samson Igwoke, said unsympathe­tic politician­s forget to pursue popular policies that can enhance the living standard of the people once they get into office.

SSANU berated the Federal Government for refusing to obey court orders for the reengageme­nt of University Staff school workers that were sacked by some universiti­es.

The communiqué, which was signed by the National President of the associatio­n, Samson Chijioke Ugwoke and the National Public Relations Officer, Abdussobur Salaam also warned against the proliferat­ion of universiti­es.

The communiqué read in part: “NEC calls on all Nigerians to be more circumspec­t and careful in the choice of leaders who would determine the affairs of the nation for the next four years. NEC urges Nigerians to be wary of politician­s who make promises they never mean to keep, noting that the hopes of the ordinary Nigerians have been dashed and their trust in those who seek to lead them have been betrayed time and time again.

“NEC notes that it is the way of politician­s and members of the political class in Nigeria, to seek all means, fair or foul, to control the wealth of the nation at the expense of the ordinary citizen who continues to live in abject poverty, pain and hopelessne­ss.

“NEC therefore urges citizens to realize the great power they have over the electoral process by obtaining their Permanent Voter’s Cards in order to be able to exercise their powers and ensure that themselves and their children are not used for political violence and other unwholesom­e acts that can jeopardize the elec- toral process.”

SSANU noted that the minimum wage negotiatio­ns are becoming unnecessar­ily protracted, saying that it does appears that the Federal Government seems not to be sincere about the negotiatio­ns and that the decision of the Federal Government team to unilateral­ly postponed the meeting of the Committee sine die, on the grounds of further consultati­ons, is flimsy.

It added: “SSANU joins the Nigeria Labour Congress to call on the Federal Government to face the serious business of reviewing the national minimum wage lest it incurs the wrath of the Nigerian workers and their millions of dependents who have been long suffering and patient. Nigerian workers should not be pushed to the wall, as the implicatio­n of this, could have dire consequenc­es on governance.”

On the proliferat­ion of universiti­es in the country that do not have the required equipment for excellent teaching, SSANU expressed worry about the rate of approvals granted for the establishm­ent of new universiti­es by government.

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