The Guardian (Nigeria)

The restructur­ing conundrum and 2019 elections

- By Emmanuel E. Okotete

FOLLOWING the 1914 amalgamati­on of the southern and northern protectora­tes of Nigeria into the Nigerian State, the British colonial masters and the Nigerian elite undertook several constituti­onal conference­s to determine the constituti­on/form of government best suited to the peoples of Nigeria. From 1914, there was the Lugard Constituti­on, followed subsequent­ly by the Sir Clifford Constituti­on of 1922 and the Arthur Richards Constituti­on of 1946 which effectivel­y divided Nigeria into East, West and North. This was followed by the Macpherson Constituti­on of 1951 that indeed introduced Federalism as our system of government after consultati­ve meetings with Nigerians at the Community, Divisional, Provincial and Regional levels. However, to further deepen Federalism the Lyttleton Constituti­on of 1951 was enacted. These constituti­ons were enacted by the British after Consultati­ve Meetings (conference­s) with Nigerians. Finally the British after massive struggle for independen­ce by our Nigerian nationalis­ts enacted the 1960 Independen­ce Constituti­on. By an act of parliament Nigerians now enacted the 1963 Republican Constituti­on which we ran until January 15, 1966 when the military struck.

As a consequenc­e of the successful coup of January 1966 the 1963 constituti­on was suspended and the military ruled Nigeria by decrees. The Military Government of General Aguiyi Ironsi promulgate­d the Unificatio­n Decree 34 in May 1966 which centralise­d power with the National Government whilst effectivel­y scrapping the regions. The North perceived this decree as a domineerin­g strategy by Southern Nigeria (specifical­ly the East) over Northerner­s. This among other reasons (revenge inclusive) led to the counter coup of July 29, 1966 organised by Northern soldiers who now seized power, but rather than return the country to Regionalis­m/federalism created more states out of the previous four regions, continued with the almighty National Government at the centre ‘incorrectl­y’ restructur­ing will need to consult with the people through named the Federal Military Government of Nigeria. This conConsult­ative Meetings (conference­s) possibly at the Comtinued with subsequent military government­s until a return munities, Local Government Areas, and the States levels. The to civilian rule in 1979. The 1979 Constituti­on was a product outcomes of these consultati­ons/conference­s can now be of the military and was modelled after the unitary system of distilled into requests/bills for the amendment of the 1999 the military. The constituti­on making was by fiat of a miliconsti­tution and forwarded by the President to the National tary decree, we the people, were not involved in its making. Assembly for considerat­ion. Thus all Nigerians who believe The 1979 constituti­on boldly proclaims a Federal Republic of in the restructur­ing of the country would lobby their repreNiger­ia but with a high concentrat­ion of power and resentativ­es at the national assembly to pass the bill so subsources with the central government using an Exclusive List mitted by Mr. President for amendment of the constituti­on of items only the centre should handle, whilst creating a in line with the outcomes of the consultati­ons/conference­s. Concurrent List of items the state government­s can handle Once the bill is passed at the National Assembly, it will therealong with the central government. Consequent­ly Nigeria after circulate to all the State Assemblies and once the rebecame a federation in name only but for all intent and purquired two thirds of the states of the federation approve the poses a Unitary State. The 1999 constituti­on is basically simiamendm­ents, it is returned and presented to Mr. President lar with that of 1979. for Assent and the Constituti­on at that moment stands

From 1999 to date, we have been operating a unitary sysamended and the country restructur­ed accordingl­y. tem of government in reality whilst masqueradi­ng to be a The 2005 National Reform Conference of President OluseFeder­al Republic. Fast forward to 2018, most Nigerians now gun Obasanjo and the 2014 National Conference of Presiwant a return to the Federal Constituti­on of 1963 or somedent Goodluck Jonathan probably failed because the thing very close to that, it is christened Restructur­ing. We as Reports were not sent as Executive Bills to the National Asa people are now divided into those who want restructur­ing sembly to amend the 1999 Constituti­on to reflect the outand those opposed to it. Politician­s are now using it as a camcomes of both conference­s. This we must avoid as we move paign issue and they have made promises post 2019. This is forward. This in my considered opinion is the way forward. thus a realistic assessment of how we can achieve RestrucAny expectatio­n that any government/president can simply turing because according to Socrates ‘the secret of change is proclaim Restructur­ing is misplaced in a civilian constituto focus all your ENERGY not on fighting the old, but on tional government, as it will amount to suspending the conBuildin­g the New.’ From the historical perspectiv­e, we were stitution that such a president has sworn to uphold. The able to ‘restructur­e’ our constituti­on in pre independen­ce other alternativ­e is a military decree restructur­ing the countimes vide consultati­on/conference­s of the people and eventry, but this will mean the death of democracy which we tually the enactment by the British Monarchy/colonial govnow enjoy and going back to the uncertaint­ies of our past ernment. Since independen­ce we have enacted our military era and the unknown consequenc­es therein. constituti­ons only through military decrees. Therefore, to restructur­e the current 1999 constituti­on as amended can only be by an act of parliament in line with the provisions for constituti­onal amendments as laid down in the constituti­on. Consequent­ly, any government that wishes to pursue

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