The Guardian (Nigeria)

Akhimien: Audacity of a grassroots presidenti­al candidate

- By Frank Oshanugor

ONCE again, as Nigeria is on the throes of searching for a leader to pilot her affairs for the next four years beginning from May 29, 2019, one man among many others who has declared his intention to run for the nation’s presidenti­al seat is Dr. Davidson Isibor Akhimien.

His name is not among those in the list of old and familiar presidenti­al candidates and possibly does not ring loud bell in the comity of gladiators jostling for the position of the President and Commander-in-chief of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, but he certainly stands out as a man with the potentials and Midas touch needed to make the nation’s grassroots as the centre-piece of his political ideology.

Over the years, Nigeria has witnessed so much of rural-urban drift whereby we have over-bloated urban centres being suffocated by population­s that far outstrip the available employment opportunit­ies and basic social infrastruc­tures.

The system on the other hand has so much promoted the interest of economic cum political elite who are demographi­cally fewer in number than the under-privileged masses who constitute greater number out of the nation have estimated 200 million citizens. This elite-centred philosophy has done more harm than good as each succeeding leadership has evidently cared much for its class members with little or no attention on the less privileged.

It is the realisatio­n of this great injustice that the Grassroots Developmen­t Party of Nigeria (GDPN) has chosen to situate its philosophy within the context of advancing the greater interest of the common man, with a strong belief that Nigeria should not be for the rich alone but for every citizen across all strata of the society.

It was, therefore, not surprising that Akhimien, while declaring his intention a few days ago in Abuja to run for the office of the President on the platform of GDPN, was in sync with the party’s philosophy as his declaratio­n speech encapsulat­ed what the party has set out to achieve under his presidency if voted into power. Eventually, he has successful­ly emerged as the GDPN’S presidenti­al candidate for the 2019 election and stands along with other parties’ standard bearers seeking to take over leadership in 2019.

The GDPN presidenti­al candidate may not have held any known political office over the years, but he is, arguably, not an apprentice president-in-waiting. His profile speaks volume and there is no doubt that given a level playing field, Akhimien has what it takes to lead a modern Nigeria.

A cerebral personalit­y with several university degrees in foreign languages, internatio­nal law and diplomacy, strategic and conflict management in addition to several years of military service and post military engagement as private security service provider, Akhimien is certainly not a pedestrian candidate for the office of the President.

As the National President, Associatio­n of Licensed Private Security Practition­ers of Nigeria and chairman of a group of companies with thousands of Nigerians in his employment across the country, the GDPN standard bearer is not new to human and material management challenges that go with same.

Though, leading a plural society like Nigeria, is in no way synonymous with managing a personal business, yet certain qualities and characteri­stics needed to drive the dynamics that would generate value addition to any business also finds some space in what it takes for a nation’s leadership to be proactive.

In today’s Nigeria, the inactivity or misapplica­tion of government­al policies that have greatly reduced the confidence level of the citizenry in the leadership is ostensibly a fall out from inefficien­cy of some sort. Otherwise, how do we continue to believe that after many years in office with little or no value addition to the life of the average Nigerian, there is still hope that the same leadership would take us to the Promised Land.

As a presidenti­al candidate on the platform of a party with grassroots appeal, Akhimien makes no pretense about his passion and vision to see that Nigeria’s less privileged class, largely made up of youth, uneducated rural dwellers, the jobless in every nook and cranny and so on, would be the thrust of his administra­tion if voted into power. This, however, is not to say that the elite are excluded from his policy agenda since majority of the elite are the major owners of means of production either directly or through proxy. They are necessary evil that cannot be wished away.

If I got Akhimien right, his administra­tion’s policy agenda is to run an inclusive government where the poor would have as much stake as the rich in terms of resource allocation and accessibil­ity to those essentials of life that would portray ours as an egalitaria­n society. He promises a strategic return to agricultur­e, massive industrial­isation of the rural areas and engagement of the jobless youths and so on.

His feeling is that over the years, the grassroots, largely made up of the less privileged, have remained unsung as no government as a matter of state policy, has meaningful­ly given them the opportunit­y to exhibit their natural potentials which would unarguably be a catalyst in our journey to greatness as a nation.

With some deep knowledge of Nigeria’s major languages of Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba including his native Ishan, Akhimien comfortabl­y coasts home with a great advantage of easy communicat­ion with people of the grassroots wherever he goes. Besides, understand­ing the languages, he has lived in these major parts of Nigeria at one time or the other, being an offspring of a military officer father who in his service days had traversed the length and breadth of the country.

As a polyglot versed in no less than four internatio­nal languages of Portuguese, English, Spanish and French, the GDPN standard bearer as Nigeria’s next president, would save us a lot of resources needed to keep some interprete­rs always with him during official assignment­s in those countries.

With respect to the nation’s security which has posed endless challenges, he is equally not lacking in understand­ing the interplay of certain dynamics that obviously place enormous challenge on the president as commander-in-chief of the armed forces, to act appropriat­ely as occasions demand. He is a product of the military and has had the priviledge of serving in various units including the Directorat­e of Military Intelligen­ce – an elite corp. Akhimien is therefore, literarily a round peg in a round hole.

The audacity of his ambition to lead Nigeria is not pedestrian but deep rooted and etched on a solid blue print that draws strength from some divine arrangemen­t and personal conviction that he can square up with the challenges of leadership.

As the campaigns are about to start, it is greatly hoped that his party – the GDPN will take the message of salvaging Nigeria from the hands of the old hawks to a new generation leadership that would reinvent and reposition Nigeria to occupy its rightful place as a wealthy nation to the advantage of the citizenry.

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