The Guardian (Nigeria)

Alaibe urges Bayelsa electorate to vote for all PDP candidates

- By Seye Olumide

Tpeople of Bayelsa State have been urged to see the rescheduli­ng of the presidenti­al and National Assembly elections by the Independen­t National Electoral Commission (INEC) as a blessing in disguise and vote massively for all the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) candidates on Saturday.

In a statement yesterday, PDP chieftain, Chief Timi Alaibe, said all contestant­s of the party must be given clear victory, saying this would demonstrat­e PDP’S strength and a appreciati­on of Governor Seriake Dickson’s efforts.

The former managing director of the Niger Delta Developmen­t Commission (NDDC) and pioneer coordinato­r of the Presidenti­al Amnesty Programme (PAP) also charged the electorate to see the PDP as the only party that can ensure consistent developmen­t in Bayelsa as demonstrat­ed by the incumbent governor and his team.

Alaibe, who returned to the PDP last year, enumerated the qualities of all the PDP candidates in the state, just as he advised the electorate to take advantage of their experience­s and vote for them.

“While others are planning to rig, we are planning to go out in our numbers and vote massively for all our candidates. I urge you to know that the only way to defeat rigging and frustrate the efforts of riggers is for all of us to queue behind our governor and cast our votes for all the PDP candidates in the coming elections.

“Remember that a vote for PDP is a vote for the restructur­ing of the country and resource control, which have been our desire from generation­s. This is our chance. We must not allow this opportunit­y to pass us by. The ultimate realisatio­n of this dream will depend on what we do with our PVCS on Saturday. ”

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