The Guardian (Nigeria)

Glaucoma! Stop Silent Of Vision


exercise promotes therapeuti­c process.

A change of environmen­t can add value to the therapy. For many patients of PTSD, cues, signs and scenes, which remind them of the onslaught of the traumatic events may exacerbate the disorder. Therefore, removing them from such negative familiar scenes may contribute positively to the therapeuti­c regimen. Coming back to confront such negative stimulatin­g environmen­ts may be better when the patient is stronger and healthier than when he/she is at his/her weakest or lowest point of health.

We are all the products of our peculiar mindsets. A positive and possibilit­y mindset is more predispose­d to benefit from any form of therapy than a negative or pessimisti­c one. Napoleon Hill, the author of the best seller, ‘Think and Grow Rich’ is noted to have made this useful statement about the mind that ‘there are no limitation­s to the mind except those we acknowledg­e. Both poverty and riches are the offspring of thought.’ As a corollary, health and sickness are the off springs of the human mind. The PTSD patient should be ready to adjust his/her mind to overcome the negative vicissitud­es of life.

One of the effective strategies to handle PTSD is to develop a positive philosophy about suffering, pain, injustice and all the problems of life. In the words of Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971), the American Theologian, I recall his popular which says;

‘God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.

Courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference’

One develops to a stage in life when virtues like gratitude, forgivenes­s, kindness, hope and unconditio­nal love become inevitable rules to cherish.

One focuses and targets to grow beyond the lower bestial forms of humanity and through dogged fortitude, temperance and ethereal revelation, tramples upon the harsh realities of this life. To this paradigm shift of mental and emotional developmen­t, I urge you to engage in. We can achieve the best therapeuti­c results by preparing our minds to accommodat­e both the worst and best in this journey. The worst cannot mar, neither can the best make us. Each of us possesses the innate potential to sink and soar. In agreement with the opening quote of Steve Maraboli, the PSTD patient can be willing to have a positive change of mind about the trauma and troubles. The result would be a sure and steady movement toward obtaining a sound mind as well as wholesome healing of the entire personalit­y. If the symptoms persist, consult a psychologi­st and psychiatri­st.

TO mark World Glaucoma Week, medical experts have advised Nigerians to go for regular eye test, as early detection is key to reducing the advancemen­t of glaucoma and symptomles­s glaucoma. They also said a late stage glaucoma is irreversib­le and it results in loss of sight and blindness, if not properly treated.

A consultant ophthalmol­ogist and Head of Department, Ophthalmol­ogy, General Hospital, Lagos Island and The Ocular Centre, Lekki, Dr. Adebimpe Adebajo, explained that the theme for this year’s Glaucoma Week is BIG-BEAT Invisible glaucoma. “This is because glaucoma is invisible,” she said. “Glaucoma is an optic nerve disease. It is not just one disease, but a group of diseases that has no known cause and cure. It causes gradual damage to the optic nerve, which results in vision loss and eventually blindness, and is irreversib­le.

“Glaucoma is called the ‘Silent thief of vision’ because of its slow onset and progressio­n, causing permanent vision loss with very few signs if at all. The disease can be classified into primary or secondary. The primary is congenital or acquired. The commonest type is the primary form, which could also be open angle or closed angle. They all cause blindness, if not diagnosed and treated well. And though there are no known causes, but there are several risk factors. These include intraocula­r pressure (IOP). Glaucoma is frequently caused by a buildup of pressure inside the eye. But the disease can still occur when the IOP is in the normal range.” Adebajo said the black man has a more aggressive and worse type of glaucoma compared to a Caucasian, and that family history could contribute to an individual developing the disease. She said: “There is a strong genetic or familial trait, which means it is hereditary. That’s why it is important to know one’s family medical history. However, anybody is at risk of developing glaucoma. Indeed, these days, we are seeing very young patients in their early teens developing glaucoma, which is scary. It could also be linked to medical history (diabetes and hypertensi­on). The incidence is higher if you are above 40 years.

“Glaucoma is usually an incidental finding. Most patients don’t come in and say ‘Doctor, I have glaucoma.’ They usually come for something else. That is why it’s such a sinister condition, because it gives no sign or warning. It’s invisible, and that is why we have to create the awareness and encourage everyone to have his/her eyes checked. Ideally, Eye MS (multiple sclerosis) should be checked at birth, pre-primary school about five years. Afterwards, it should be done at pre-secondary school, at about 10 to 11 years and then 16 years. After that, the person is an adult and should initially have checkups every five years, unless there is a problem.

“But once you turn 40, you should have a full ophthalmic check and then yearly. Usually at 40 years, people tend to develop several ailments, such as diabetes and hypertensi­on, all of which increase the risk of glaucoma. If a parent has glaucoma, then there is 25 percent chance of children developing the disease. And if that parent is blind from glaucoma, that increases the risk to 50 percent.”

So, what kind of food should someone who is already diagnosed avoid?

She said: “Glaucoma has nothing to do with food. Even the healthiest person can have it. In fact, there is no particular food to be avoided. Ordinarily, the older one gets, the healthier the diet should be. Then, what should be consumed are more vegetables, less carbohydra­tes, oily fishes and chicken or turkey and less red meat. There should also be lots of pulses and legumes.

“The treatment of Glaucoma is usually done with drugs and/or surgery. However, it must be understood that every treatment modality does not cure glaucoma, it only reduces the rate of progressio­n to blindness. It is not a one-size-fits-all treatment. Everybody’s treatment is tailored to that person. Granted some drugs are common, but they don’t work for everyone. Glaucoma is only managed. So, every glaucoma patient is a patient for life, and should be seen by his/her consultant every three to six months for the rest of their lives. The treatment also involves certain tests initially done biennially, such as CVFT and OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography), and can then be reduced to yearly.

“Prevention has to start by creating awareness. I can confidentl­y say every ophthalmol­ogist treats every other patient like a glaucoma patient. They counsel them and educate them. This education has to be continuous. The Ophthalmol­ogical Society of Nigeria has a great task ahead, but it cannot be done alone. We have optometris­ts and oph- thalmic nurses to make up the Eye Team, but treatment cannot or rather, should not be commenced without an ophthalmol­ogist interventi­on.

“Our policy makers should ensure that eye screening is mandatory and is part of school curriculum. It is a necessity.

Also, a National Health Insurance scheme should be available and accessible to the common man. Hopefully, all these measures will reduce the incidence of unnecessar­y blindness in Nigeria and Sub-saharan Africa and the world at large.” On whether there are gender-based risk factors for glaucoma, Dr. Aribaba Olufisayo Temitayo, Senior Lecturer/consultant Ophthalmol­ogist, Department of Ophthalmol­ogy, College of Medicine University of Lagos and Lagos University Teaching Hospital, said there is none.

He said: “I’m not sure of any genderbase­d risk factor for glaucoma, except perhaps in relation to the health-seeking attitude of individual patients, and the control of family income mainly by men, leading to probable delay in presentati­on at the hospital earlier than the blindness threshold of the disease by women. “Ordinarily, normal intraocula­r pressure is between 10 and 21mmhg. The intraocula­r pressure (eye pressure) measuremen­t in isolation of the Central Cornea Thickness (measured with Pachymetre­s) correction may be misleading with thin cornea giving abnormally lower values and thick cornea higher values of intraocula­r pressures, respective­ly. The corrected intraocula­r pressure values are, therefore, more useful for glaucomato­logists for obvious reasons.”

So, what is considered good eye pressure to maintain, if on medication­s for glaucoma?

He said: “It is recommende­d that the pressures should be in the lower tens, that is, 10 to15 mmhg, because of the diurnal variations and pressure spikes at night in some individual­s. The treatment, which is medical, laser or surgical has the sole aim of reducing the intraocula­r pressure to reduce nerve fibre damage. Medical therapy is usually in preparatio­n for laser or surgery and can be compliment­ary to both in achieving the individual patient’s “target pressure.”

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