The Guardian (Nigeria)

Making The Right Choice (2)

By Prophet (Dr.) Sunday Nwabeke


I Fasthma killed a member of your family, it doesn’t mean you should be fascinated by such experience.

It’s God’s plan and purpose to heal and deliver His people anytime, anywhere and day. A lot of folks ask me, ‘Pastor, this type of sickness killed my colleague. Do you think I can survive?’

It’s not what I think that counts. The issue is, what does the Bible say concerning that particular problem? God’s Word says with His stripes, we are healed, Isaiah 53:5.

Choose not to be sick from this hour. Make a choice to remain in the realm of deliveranc­e and healing all the days of your life.

Even when you feel sick on your inside, say to yourself, according to God’s word, I am healed.

Salvation is also a matter of choice. This is because Jesus was crucified, buried and resurrecte­d. He also took your sin to His cross and delivered you from the power of Satan and his cohorts. It’s now left for you to make a choice by accepting what He did for you thousands of years ago. Miracle goes as far as giving you dominion over sin and Satan.

Giving your life unto God is one of the greatest miracles you can experience. Your miracle is in your hand. Back to the power of making the right choice, permit me to declare to you that most marriage failures experience­d today is based on wrong choice. You do not get married on the basis of sentiment and pity; else, you fall into a valley of hopelessne­ss and doom.

Beloved, listen to this formula: Learn to evaluate your choice in God’s Word before carrying it out, so as to ascertain whether it is God’s plan for you or not. What you choose may not be God’s choice.

When Samuel was told to go to the house of Jesse and anoint a king, as a human, he rose up to anoint Jesse’s first born, but God said no. In another attempt, he rose up again to anoint the next person (these were his choices) and God said none of these are qualified.

Friend, if you can make the right choice, the sky shall be your limit because there is no limitation in God’s agenda for you, except the ones you create yourself.

The children of Israel laboured in Egypt for 430 Exodus 12:40 years, instead of 400 years as was told Gen. 15:13. This is due to the fact that there was nobody to stand in the gap and make a choice.

Your choice can lift you from dust to grace, from shame to shining, from minimum to maximum, from minus to plus, from death to life, from negative to positive, from sadness to joy, from a nobody to somebody, from nowhere to somewhere, from grass to grace, from poverty to wealth, from sin to righteousn­ess from darkness to light and from zero to hero.

Many godly prophecies are dying unfulfille­d because none has chosen to follow it up. Until you run with God’s prophecy for your life, it will remain stagnant, dormant, and ineffectiv­e.

Many prophetic declaratio­ns are being delayed because God’s people have don’t know whether to remain in God or to return to Satan.

Delay can’t depart from your doorstep, until you choose not to be delayed. Situation watches your choice, not your countenanc­e or so- cial life. Make a choice that can’t be influenced by power in order to become an icon of favour in your environmen­t.

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