The Guardian (Nigeria)

Prisoners Of The Past (2)

Text: Philippian­s 3:13-14


Key Verse: Philippian­s 3:13, “Brethren, i count not myself to have apprehende­d: but this one thing i do, for getting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before .”

THE past is a good place to reflect upon, to reminisce about, and to remember, but it’s no place to live in. Many of us today still live in the guilt of past sins, even after God Has forgiven us. We are living daily in consciousn­ess of the ugly events that had taken place in our lives and then becoming prisoners of the past.

We have been redeemed and cleansed by the cleansing blood of Jesus, and we need not live in the bondage of the past. God does not keep record of the past sins He Has forgiven. Therefore, there is no justificat­ion for making yourself a prisoner of its guilt. David said God Has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west (Psalm 103:12). You have been forgiven completely and need not live in the guilt of yesterday’s sins and costly mistakes.

Dearly beloved, it is a brand new day, so stop living like a prisoner of the past. It is a fresh start to get up and try once again. But we can’t get anywhere because we are still re-living our yesterday. We are still holding on to our past hurts. We are still thinking about what could have happened but didn’t; we are still replaying the painful words someone said and we are slowly allowing our past to take our future away.

The longer you dwell in the past, the easier it is to forget to live in the present and the harder it gets to dream about tomorrow. I love this powerful statement by Nelson Mandela: “As I walked out the door toward my freedom, I knew that if I did not leave all the anger, hatred, and bitterness behind, that I would still be in prison.” Maybe you were never in a physical prison like he was, but your past may seem like a prison to you.

The past is a place that haunts you because of the terrible memories it holds. But if you don’t move on from that place, you will remain in a prison. The past is a prison with a door that you have the key to.

It’s up to you to unlock it, just like it’s up to you to move on from your yesterday. It is a decision nobody else can take for you except you. God has opened the prison gate of your past, but you must walk out of it by yourself.

You should forgive those that need to be forgiven; forget the things that need to be forgotten and give yourself the freedom to look forward to a brighter day. If you’ve made mistakes that you’ve repented of, don’t continue living in shame and guilt. God has forgiven you and made you white as snow.

If you are left brokenhear­ted by loved ones that left you hanging, hurt you, or walked away, don’t continue living in resentment toward them. Allow God to fill you with His peace and joy, and forgive those people or allow them to walk away. If you regret the things you wished you could do or say, don’t continue living in remorse and disappoint­ment with yourself.

Remember… you choose what you will do with your past. But for Paul, he said he chose to leave the past behind and reach forth unto those things, which are ahead. Don’t live in shame, guilt, and regret one more day. Open that prison door and walk out without looking back.

Today’s Nugget: Put your old ways behind you.

Prayer: Lord, I come out of the prison of the past.

 ??  ?? Okoroafor

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