The Guardian (Nigeria)

Destroying Witchcraft Cauldron

- By Rev. John Okene Text: Jer 1:13:14, Micah 3:13

AWITCHCRAF­T cauldron is a satanic or witchcraft pot of darkness. Jer. 1:13 tells us about a boiling pot that was placed on fire and the pot was exclusivel­y used by the enemy to release evil against the north.

When we talk about a cauldron of darkness, we are looking at a pot that is an instrument of wickedness. The powers of darkness cannot do without the cauldron. It is commonly used by marine powers, witchcraft, witch doctors and occultic people. They put the pot on fire and begin to cook. They can cook the head of a man and in the physical, the man will be feeling heat all over the head. This accounts for the reason why some persons will wake up and be feeling heat all over their body.

They can take an image or a photograph of a person and put it in the pot and place it on the fire to boil, and the person will wake up from sleep and start feeling internal heat. Some person might die in their sleep because of the cauldron.

There was a story of a young man, who promised to marry a girl but later disappoint­ed her. The girl met her friend who introduced the brother to her and the friend took her to the house of a witchdocto­r. She gave the witchdocto­r his picture and told him that she wanted the young man dead. The witchdocto­r took the picture, put it in the pot and started cooking it. Fortunatel­y, this young man was in the hostel with his roommate, who was a Holy Ghost filled brother. The roommate woke up at night and saw him shouting while still asleep. Immediatel­y, he started intercedin­g on his behalf. During the course of his prayers, the witch doctor dies while doing his incantatio­n. When the lady and her friend got to the witchdocto­r’s house the following morning, they saw a crowd there and the witch doctor’s servant told them that their master died while carrying out their assignment. The lady went to the young man and confessed her mischievou­s act to him.

Some persons feel heat around their womb because their menstrual pad was tampered with. When you feel hotness in your womb, babies can’t stay, hence you will either suffer miscarriag­es or not able to get pregnant. When they cook the organ of some men, those men will end up having infertilit­y issues or damaged organs. If they cook your brain, such a person will suffer from loss of memory.

Cauldron can be used to tie a family. A word of knowledge was given concerning a sister that a pot was buried in her family compound and the Lord said He has sent forth his angels to excavate it. When the lady got home, she saw people gathered around her compound looking at the pot that came out of the earth. She ran to church to call some pastors to follow her, and when they got to the compound, after praying they poured the contents of the pot on the ground and found some of the names of the family members inside the pot.

When a man is in one direction, he is under a satanic caldron. Cauldron can be used to collect people’s blessings. Some family cauldron can be buried in a tree. Miscarriag­es, Bewitchmen­t and Affliction can be transferre­d through the cauldron. Also, the semen of some people can be taken and kept in a cauldron.

The following are some of the manifestat­ion of cauldron: when you have unnecessar­y shortage of blood. If you experience unnecessar­y hotness in your body. When you have a peppering sensation or have strange high blood pressure or you begin to suffer loss of memory. If you begin to perceive smell of hospital or mortuary, when there is unnecessar­y fight, argument or issues in your marriage.

The way out is for you to be born again. You must be determined for a change. You must confront the cauldron and lastly, you must be violent in your prayers and kill the priest that is on the evil altar, using the cauldron against your life. Prayerline: +2348135952­623

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