The Guardian (Nigeria)

...PDP Alleges Unsavoury Tie Between INEC, APC

- From Azimazi Momoh Jimoh, Abuja

THemain opposition Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), yesterday, raised the alarm about an alleged “unsavoury developmen­ts being orchestrat­ed by the Independen­t National Electoral Commission (INEC) to assist the All Progressiv­es Congress (APC) to manipulate the electoral processes in Bauchi, Sokoto and Adamawa states ahead of today’s supplement­ary elections”

At a press conference presided over by the its National Publicity Secretary, Kola Ologbondiy­an, the PDP also faulted the decision of INEC to conduct supplemen- tary elections in Bauchi State, even when collation of votes for Tafawa Balewa Council had not been done, adding: “In Bauchi, Nigerians are all aware that INEC is yet to complete the collation of results to determine the margin of lead in the governorsh­ip election, yet it is proceeding to conduct a supplement­ary election. “This anomaly being created by INEC is directly geared to cause confusion and muddle up the Bauchi electoral process and pave the way for allocation of fictitious votes to the APC.”

The party said it had reports of “how the INEC leadership connived with the APC to delay the collation of results from Tafawa Balewa Council, then stampede the courts to halt the process in an attempt to ambush today’s election, adding: “This informs why INEC hurriedly jettisoned its statutory independen­ce and implemente­d the unconstitu­tional ex-parte order to halt the collation of results in Bauchi and Adamawa states, even before the order was enrolled and served on it.”

PDP cautioned INEC to note that it (the party) already had the figures of votes delivered at the polling units, noting: “We also have figure of voters with PVCS in the areas where INEC plans to conduct supplement­ary elections.


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