The Guardian (Nigeria)

Powers Against Wicked Horns (I)


- Text: Ps. 75:10; Zech. 1:17-20 Prayer line : +2348135952­623

Aa symbol of authority and great power. When the Bible talks about the horn of the righteous, it symbolises the power of the believer while the horn of wickedness symbolises the power of the wicked. In those days the horn is so powerful that when a ram horn or the horn of a unicorn is cut off at that time, it is kept safely. Anytime a man of God is about to be anointed for service either as a priest or a king, they must take the oil, put it inside a horn and anoint him. When the oil is poured on a man’s head, if he is not the chosen one, the oil will not flow out of the horn. When it was time for David to be anointed,

the Bible says Samuel took the horn and went to Jesse’s house and had all his sons come before him. He poured the oil on their heads but the oil did not flow out. After it got to the seventh son, he asked if there is any other one left and they said there is one called David. Immediatel­y, David came, he poured the oil on him and the oil flowed from the horn to his head.

The horn is so powerful that whenever an altar is erected unto the Lord, it is placed at the edge of the altar. Today, we are looking at the power to deal with wicked horn. Zach. 1:17-20 says, through prosperity shall the city be spread abroad. The desire of God for you is true prosperity of your soul, health, et al. When Zachariah kept wondering why Jerusalem was not prospering, he sought the face of God. While he was praying he saw four horns and the Lord told him that those four horns were the powers attacking Jerusalem, Judah and Israel. These powers were there to prevent them from moving forward and making progress in life.

The following are the attributes of the wicked horn. The horn is a scatterer. It is responsibl­e for conflicts in the home and can scatter marriage. To some, whenever they are in their house they don’t have peace, it is one conflict to another but when they leave the house there will be peace. There is a token of wickedness planted in the house, which they are not aware of. A newly wedded couple told me about the crisis in their home. Whenever they are at home it is one conflict to another but when they travel and lodge in a hotel, all through their stay there won’t be any fracas between them. I told them that there must be a satanic antenna in their house that is causing the problems and asked them if they had opened all the wedding gifts given to them, they affirmed in the negative. We went to their house and started praying. While praying, I told them to begin to open the gifts, which they did. During the process they opened a particular gift and saw another properly wrapped gift inside. When they unwrapped it, lo and behold, it was a small coffin with a dagger inside. As long as the coffin is in that house the marriage is dead while the presence of the dagger promotes conflicts between them. Again, they scatter people’s business. A business that is already closed up in the spirit realm won’t have patronage. These satanic horns make people to move from one line of business to another without being productive. There was a sister who had a shop and no one was patronisin­g her. She came to me and I gave her some prayer points. She prayed fervently that night and went to sleep. She had a dream and saw two men selling other products in the front of her shop and people were patronisin­g them. She told them to vacate the shop that she is the owner and they told her that they were invited by her landlord to come and trade there, so as to drive away customers from her. She intensifie­d her prayers and cast them out. After that encounter, she got her breakthrou­ghs and her business began to boom.

I pray for you that whatever you have laboured for and have been denied, is coming to you speedily in Jesus name.

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