The Guardian (Nigeria)

Football In Nigeria Is ‘Dead’, And Must Be Saved By Government NOW

Segun Odegbami


Ihave never found it more difficult to write about football in all the years of my writing than I do now. Suddenly, after so many decades of living in denial and in hope, I am about to give up on football and its future in Nigeria outside of the token contributi­ons being made by a few individual­s and a tiny number of corporate organisati­ons, all of which do not amount to much in terms of what can be achieved were things appreciate­d better, done properly and differentl­y.

The only authority I have in arriving at my current state is my personal experience­s through the years that can neither be ignored nor disregarde­d because they cannot be bought in the market place, and they come with the evidence that separates the wheat from the chaff in Nigerian football.

This is 2019.

With all modesty, only very few persons of my generation, of the generation before and even of now, can boast of the same vast array of my experience­s. These are the only authority with which I want to beam some light on an issue within the current ‘darkness’ that Nigerian football has sunk. I want to talk about the state of Nigerian football today because, things have never been this bad in our country’s entire history.

The 2019/2020 league has not taken off and no one knows when it will. The Football administra­tors and a current sponsor are being chased, hounded and harassed (justifiabl­y or not, that is for the government authoritie­s to determine) by anti-crime agencies.

Administra­tors claim those are the reasons for their inability to secure sponsors for the domestic profession­al leagues.

The truth is that sponsors’ loss of interest has been going on for some years now when the promised benefits derivable from their sponsorshi­ps were not be met by public interest and patronage.

At national team level, the situation is different. The power of good football is still fueling interest and transcends developmen­ts in the administra­tive set up. That’s the key – good football. That’s why FIFA, ravaged by the worst scandals in its history, suffered tremendous­ly, but the sponsorshi­ps of their competitio­ns remain unaffected.

Good football is never affected by politics, that’s the bitter truth. The people will watch great matches irrespecti­ve of who their football administra­tors are, and untouched by any shenanigan­s in the political arena. So, I look at football today and I weep inside. I hear people ask why the new generation of

Nigerians, despite their passion and patronage of European football, demonstrat­ed weekly by their insatiable appetite for the foreign leagues, have turned their backs, in most parts of the country, to the domestic game. European football supersedes any other activity in followersh­ip and patronage in Nigeria. Even women and children have joined in the weekly social engagement­s of going to watch great football matches on television in the countless number of television centres all over the country. Meanwhile, the local fields in most parts are empty of decent football followers and full of miscreants! The main reason is simple.

Some decades ago, domestic football was followed changed place A new as crazily. generation it and was the during world explains our is no time. that longer times the have same True, the world has moved on, but rather than remain on our attained respectabl­e plateau, they have retarded and retrogress­ed the game, and taken it to its lowest ebb.

Let me tell you a little of a past that the present can learn from. It is not rocket science to appreciate that the most important ingredient in the entire football business, without which football would never be the game that it is. It is what drives the quality of performanc­e on the field, the quality of presentati­on to a global audience, the appreciati­on of quality coaching, quality teams and tactics, reasonable analysis by ‘experts’, excellent media and television coverage, emergence of the best players, crowds to the terraces week after week all over the world. This ingredient is taken for granted as an absolute necessity by establishe­d football cultures, but never even discussed or considered in our environmen­t as the evidence of the past three decades, since profession­al football was introduced into the country, shows. provide flat, Yet, well it is – nurtured the a good simplest playing green and field grass cheapest made constantly thing of lush, to nursed as a mother would her infant baby. The football field is the most important thing in football, in developing it and in marketing it! Let me tell you how we have treated it in Nigeria. In 1995, some Israeli contractor­s were hired to excavate the main bowl of the Liberty stadium and replace it with the most modern watering system in the world at the time – the Cell System, where wetting of the field was to be done from undergroun­d and not above the surface. The Israelis were well into their demolition job when they halted what they were doing, called us aside and told us what they found underneath the field in Liberty stadium. The watering and drainage systems were as good as any they had found in all their field constructi­on work around the world!

Why, they asked, did Nigeria want to get rid of what many stadia in Europe did not have, and replace it with an untested system that even Israel did not embark because the system could not easily be supported by the required technology, personnel and facilities? Why?

None of us could provide an answer. Those in charge of Nigerian sports at the time simply instructed them to go on. The Israelis ‘obeyed’ and did an irreparabl­e damage to the best sports facility in the whole of Africa at the time, a stage that every Nigerian and foreign football player that had ever tasted playing on it wanted to go back to, over and over again because it made the game beautiful to play and to watch.

Liberty stadium used to host some European and South American teams on its lush green turf that compares to what is available in today’s Noucamp, Stamford Bridge, the Emirate Stadium, Maracana, and so on and so forth!

Out of sheer greed to harvest from bloated contracts, administra­tors, without knowledge, conscience and experience, destroyed a people’s greatest sporting heritage. Till this day, some 24 years later, Liberty stadium has not been able to host a single national or internatio­nal match again. It lies idle today, ‘weeping’ in desolation.

That’s what some people ignorantly and maliciousl­y did to Nigerian football, got away with it, and left the rest of us to carry on in excruciati­ng agony and pain. Many of us know that the present times, different as they are from the past, could still have been better had we not placed our future in the hands of those loaded with theoretica­l postulatio­ns without any experience.

There is nothing worse for footballer­s, for television coverage, for television viewing, than a match played on a bad field. It is the ultimate turn off. That’s what makes the biggest difference between European and African football. A great and entertaini­ng football match will always attract money in terms of sponsors and spectators.

That’s why with all the crisis that FIFA went through, including all the scandals, world football still thrives as a business.

What has dragged football backwards is the neglect of the small details, particular­ly that of the playing fields that should attract even retiring superstars and give new talents a platform to advertise themselves. A bad ground would never allow any of these things.

It takes a special eye to see and realise these things and do something about them.

Gernot Rohr expressed this to Osasu Obayiuwana some weeks ago. Walter Gagg, formerly of FIFA in the days of Sepp Blatter, expressed it when we sat together in 1995 to watch a profession­al league match at the Onikan Stadium.

That’s what Pele did not know (how we treated our grounds in Nigeria) when he saw Nigerian players in 1989 and prophesied that Nigeria would win the World Cup before the turn of the last Century.

The present reality is that football in the country is at its lowest ebb.

Going forward, the government must play a big part by changing it attitude and, of necessity, influencin­g a change of guards and structures, because, politics has played its part long enough (for three decades) and failed woefully.

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