The Guardian (Nigeria)

The Advent


As we recite in the Creed, He is coming again to judge the living and the dead.

Thus, in this double focus on past and future, Advent also symbolises the spiritual journey of Christians, as we affirm that Christ has come, that He is present in the world today, and that He will come again in power. The acknowledg­ment provides a basis for Kingdom ethics, for holy living arising from a profound sense that we live “between the times” and are called to be faithful stewards of what is entrusted to us as God’s people.

The anticipate­d Advent carries a dual theme of threat and promise. In view of this, Advent has come to be a time of preparatio­n marked with prayer. While Lent is characteri­sed by fasting and a spirit of penitence, Advent’s prayers are prayers of humble devotion and commitment, prayers of submission, prayers for deliveranc­e, prayers from those walking in darkness that are awaiting and anticipati­ng a great light (Isa 9). The Collect/prayer for the Advent Sunday, which is repeated every day of the Advent, captures it well: Almighty God, give us grace to cast away the works of darkness and to put on the armour of light, now in the time of this mortal life, in which Your Son Jesus Christ came to us in great humility, so that on the last day, when He shall come again in His glorious majesty: to judge the living and the dead, we may rise to the life immortal: through Him who is alive and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

The spirit of Advent is expressed well in the parable of the bridesmaid­s, who are anxiously awaiting the coming of the Bridegroom (Matt 25:1-13). There is profound joy at the Bridegroom’s expected coming. And yet a warning of the need for preparatio­n echoes through the parable. But even then, the prayer of Advent is still: Come, O Come, Emmanuel;

And ransom captive Israel!


The Venerable Dr Princewill Onyinyechu­kwu Ireoba, FIMC, CMC. is the Rector, Ibru Internatio­nal Ecumenical Centre, Agbarha-otor, Delta State. princewill­, trinityfou­ndationibr­ucentre@gmail.

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