The Guardian (Nigeria)

Brace Up For Big Things

Text: 1 Chronicles 4:9-10 Okoroafor


YOU are not doing God a favour by being small minded neither will God go bankrupt by asking Him for big things. If you think small, your thinking will keep you away from big things. It is time to brace up and stretch your mind for big things.

To “Brace Up” means to physically or mentally prepare oneself for something that is huge, big, tremendous, great, uncommon, prominent and large. To “Stretch” means to go beyond the limit. Beloved, I commend your dreams, exploits and achievemen­ts of the past but the Lord will want you go beyond your present state. It’s time to go for big opportunit­ies; pursue big dreams; go for the unusual things and break limits. God wants us to ask Him for the big things just like Jabez did. You have to go for the things that are bigger than you; have dreams that are bigger than where you are and think of how your life can become better than what it is now. You haven’t started achieving big things because you’ve not asked and stretched your mind for it. Many people are tied down with mediocrity mentality and that is why they achieve less. You cannot have the things you believe that is not possible. God said we should ask for nations as our inheritanc­e and He will give it to us (Psalm 2:8).

It is God’s desire that you expand your ministry, business, talent and career. Spare no effort in achieving more results than you’ve done in the past. You can get bigger and better than what you are now. As a pastor, your ministry can grow bigger than what it is now. God wants us to ask Him for big things. Jabez situation turned around because he learnt to ask God for something big. Jabez prayed that God will bless him richly and expand his territory (1 Chronicles 4:10).

Have you been through disappoint­ments, failures and setbacks? All you need today is a touch of God’s favour. Jabez had been through disappoint­ments but he knew that one touch of God’s favour will turn things around. Beloved, I pray that you will receive a touch of God’s favour in Jesus Name. Have you ever asked God to give you something big? You need to stretch forth the curtains of thine habitation. It’s time to pray and go for the big things. You are not created for small things and you’ve settled for small things enough. It’s time to go extra mile in your ministry, career, profession, job and business. It’s possible you can achieve mind-blowing results. You were created

Keyverse:isaiah54:2:“enlargethe­placeofthy­tent, andletthem­stretchfor­ththe curtainsof­thinehabit­ations: sparenot,lengthenth­y cords,andstrengt­henthy stakes;”(kjv)

for signs and wonders (Isaiah 8:18).

It’s time to think like God, think big and think expensive. God doesn’t want us to live small. God is unlimited in supply and His name is Elshaddai (Philippian­s 4:19).

Prayer lines: 0907815426­1. E-mail: aggospelbe­ Dr. Chidi Okoroafor, General Superinten­dent, Assemblies of God Nigeria.

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