The Guardian (Nigeria)

Grace For Exploits (2)


ing around. True grace is not a licence for excuses.

On the other hand, GENUINE GRACE therefore is an EMPOWERMEN­T

• For Godliness. The expected result of grace is godliness. We must walk in newness of life (Rom. 6:4,14-15)

• For Good Works. Another result of grace is that, it empowers us to abound in good works. Good works of saving lives, helping the needy, serving the Lord, supporting the cause of the gospel and doing exploits for the Lord (2 Cor. 9:8) May you have abundant grace for exploits. Amen.

• Paul: An Apostle Of Grace. (1

Cor. 15:10) In our passage, Paul states clearly the secret of his exploits in the ministry. Three major things could be noted here. • Grace can make the least to be first. (9a)

• Grace can make the unworthy to be very worthy. (9b)

• Grace can turn labour to results. (10) This is very clear in 1Co 15:10, where Paul says, “not I, but the grace of God which was with me” laboured more abundantly than they all. Grace does not exempt from labour, but turns it to astounding productivi­ty.

The Bible speaks of the manifold grace of God, which means there are many levels and dimensions of grace. (1 Pet. 4:10) Here, grace is related to Spiritual gifts and actually the two words “charis” and “charismata” came from the same root word. In other words, your grace will determine your gifts. You can only succeed in life according the measure of grace you have received from the Lord (Acts. 4:33) Your grace will determine your glory. Receive more grace and be qualified for more glory. But as free and unmerited as grace is, the Bible says it has one qualificat­ion and unless you meet that standard, you cannot receive it. If you want to receive Grace from God, the Bible says you need to do only one thing. BE HUMBLE. (1 Pet. 5:5) The Bible says we must be clothed with humility and humble ourselves under God’s mighty hand. This could be seen in the lives of the Pharisee and the Publican who went into the temple to pray. (Luke 18:10-14) The Publican received grace and the Pharisee received condemnati­on.

 ??  ?? Kristilere

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