The Guardian (Nigeria)

Man Who Wants Third Term For Buhari


able to he was categorica­l that his interest really was to extend the tenure for President Buhari.

Hear him: “My desire for the removal of term limits for President Buhari is in the national interest based on his anticorrup­tion fight.”

He added: “I wish to state that having approached the court, it is left for the court to rule on the suit and restate my intention to abide by the court’s decision on the matter, although hopeful that it will be in line with the submission of my counsel.

“Let me also add that I will never be intimidate­d by any threat of expulsion, arrest or any other untoward action from any person or group of persons, as I sincerely believe that the President’s anti-corruption efforts should be allowed to consolidat­e, otherwise Nigeria will regress back to the locust years of the PDP.” His matter is slated for hearing on December 4.

Meanwhile, the National Leadership of his party, APC had denied him. In fact the party has vowed to expel him after their investigat­ion to ascertain his true membership.

Lanre Issa- Onilu, the party’s spokespers­on had said on Friday: “The All Progressiv­es Congress (APC) read in the media about a purported legal action taken by a self-proclaimed member of the Party, Charles Enya, seeking an amendment of the Constituti­on to allow President Muhammadu Buhari run for a third term in office.

“The Party had initially chosen to ignore him. However, it has become important to send a clear message to him and such other agent provocateu­rs.

“At the last National Executive Committee (NEC) meeting of the Party, President Buhari didn’t mince words and he is not the type that talks tongue-in-cheek. He pointedly said he would abide by the Constituti­on and uphold the oath of office he took, swearing by the holy book he believes in. This he said was besides his advanced age, which made such an idea beyond his contemplat­ion.

“The NEC meeting highlights released to the media by the party equally quoted the President admonishin­g APC members, leaders and elected officials to reposition themselves in their respective constituen­cies so as to sustain the administra­tion’s landmark legacies beyond 2023 when the President’s constituti­onally permitted terms end.

“The president said history would not be fair to members if the APC collapses after his second term. What better proof is required of the President’s resolve to abide by the constituti­on on term limit?

“The Party is, however, by this statement sending a strong signal to such other busybodies like Charles Enya who may be contemplat­ing testing the resolve of our government on our mission to work for the best for our country to be ready to face the law.”

A Human Rights Lawyer and President, Civil Rights Realisatio­n and Advancemen­t Network (CRRAN), Olu Omotayo had described the moves by Enya as an ‘exercise in futility”, stressing that removal of constituti­onal clause goes beyond the pronouncem­ent of the court.

Says Omotayo: “Section 135 of the Constituti­on of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 (As Amended) deals with tenure of the President. It states that the duration of tenure of president is four years. It is somehow curious that the limit of two terms for a president is not stated under this section that deals with the tenure of the president. ”

A careful and meticulous reading clearly shows that Section 137, of the Nigeria Constituti­on prescribed a two terms tenure for a president. Sections 137(1) (b) of the Constituti­on provides thus: - A person shall not be qualified for election to the office of President if “he has been elected to such office at any two previous elections; The implicatio­n of this section is that a person who has been elected to the office of the president in two separate times is disqualifi­ed from further contesting election to the office of the president. This section clearly forbids a person from becoming president more than two terms.

“It should be noted that section 182 (1)(b) of the Constituti­on has similar provision that forbids a person from occupying the office of governor for more than two terms. It is submitted that it is a mere academic exercise and abuse of judicial process for anybody to approach the court seeking tenure elongation for these two offices. The court only interprets the law as it is. There is no ambiguity in these provisions of the Constituti­on on this issue. Furthermor­e it is only through alteration or amendment of the Constituti­on by the legislatur­e that the position of the law can change. It should be noted that by virtue of Section 9, of the Constituti­on, an alteration of the Constituti­on can only be effected when by

2/3 majority of both the Senate and the House of Representa­tives supported the proposal and Houses of Assembly of not less than 2/3 of all the states approved it by resolution. What this means is that 26 of state Houses of Assembly must pass a resolution approving the alteration. So it could be seen that to alter the Constituti­on to provide more terms for president and governors, the whole country must be involved.”

Emeritus President of Aka Ikenga, Chief Goddy Uwazuruike said: “It is a free world but every action must be subject to evaluation by ordinary people. The President and the judge swore to uphold the Constituti­on. The President cannot serve for more than two terms, unless the Constituti­on is amended by the members of the legislatur­e. The litigant this time seeks to have the Constituti­on amended by going to court. I will restrain myself since it is subjudice to talk about a live issue. But since it is a matter of public interest, I will say that it is the hand of Essau but the voice of Jacob. In this country, we are used to office holders seeking to perpetuate themselves in power. The former governors will not let go after their tenure has ended. The hangers on in Aso Rock will do everything to hold on to power. The people surroundin­g the Presidency are generally referred to as the cabal. They are determined to hold on to power.”

A PDP stalwart in Enugu, Paul Chukwu said: “there is no harm in people wanting to be heard. But my worry is that, it is our people who used at all times to achieve this. How can any right thinking person want the president to continue in office even when age is no longer on his side? Are these people not part of the people calling for president of Nigeria from Igbo extraction in 2023? There is always room for our people to be used to derail every good thing coming to their people. He is being used to derail democracy and it is quite unfortunat­e”.

 ??  ?? Tanko
 ??  ?? Enya
 ??  ?? Lawan
 ??  ?? Buhari

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