The Guardian (Nigeria)

Nigeria’s democracy on trial

- By Charles Adingupu

IT was argued in certain quarters that the emergence of the Fourth Republic was coincident­al. The reason for this postulatio­n was hinged on the betrayal of trust by the then military government, who, after series of failed attempts to enthrone democracy rather introduced an alien system of government known in political parlance as diarchy -khaki and agbada in power. The undercurre­nts of this broken promise by the military junta, was, ostensibly, aimed at perpetuati­ng their dictatoria­l presence in governance.

However, when this child of circumstan­ce, otherwise referred to as the Fourth Republic came into existence, the true politician­s who were masters of the game, took the entire process with a pitch of salt. For them, the military were out again to pull another April fool stunt. The consequenc­e of their perceived suspicion and lay back, created great vacuum for political neophytes, who, systematic­ally tested the turbulent water with one weary foot after the other before committing the whole body. But since the sudden birth of this child, the nation has been thrown into confusion. This is akin to a man with many wives, whose attempt to taste the food of each of the wives brought great confusion to his mouth. It is glaring to discerning minds that neither the people have gotten any respite in whatever guise, facilities improved upon nor structures of government properly orchestrat­ed since the dawn of the Fourth Republic.

This succinctly explains how the Nigeria’s kind of democracy has become an object of whispering entertainm­ent for beer parlour political analysts across the globe. Virtually all arms of government seems to be in topsy turvey.

At the Executive arm government, the power play between the President and his Vice remains to be seen as a test case. For the ordinary on lookers, it is one friction too many. It is needless recalling the chain of events that culminated to this conclusion that things are no longer at ease with President Muhammadu Buhari and Vice President, Professor Yemi Osinbajo.

At the moment, there is growing concern by the over whelming masses on purported attempts by Honourable members of both the upper and lower Houses to amend the constituti­on of Nigeria to accommodat­e an alleged third term agenda of the current President. Though most Nigerians who have heard this rumour had waved it aside with the mere back of their hands. For them, if the former almighty President Obasanjo failed to get third term, then, President Buhari’s attempt would suffer similar faith. Though President Buhari has publicly denounced stories associated to his third term bid. Then he promised to uphold the tenets of the constituti­on of the federal Republic of Nigeria and his party constituti­on which frowned against seeking third term. However Nigerians who are familiar with developmen­ts in this government and the ruling APC party would treat all these drama with levity.

The Nigerian judiciary has also, sadly become a laughing stock to the world. All too recently there had been flagrant disregard to court orders by the powers that be. Besides, judicial officers now interprete the law to suit their whims and caprices. From the local government, to state and finally to upper chambers, the story of poor shallow legislatio­n pervade the entire spectrum of our cracking democracy while the people wallow in hapless despair.

For these fresh politician­s who have tested power, it would be difficult for them to relinquish it irrespecti­ve of the cost. Hence, today, electoral victory has become a do or die affair as exemplifie­d in the just concluded Kogi and Bayelsa states election. Never in the history of Nigeria had politician­s engaged the services of voodoo angels to win elections. There is no gainsaying the fact that, today’s politician­s employ all manners of diabolical means to remain relevant in an already botched democratic system.

Recent unfolding events show that Nigeria’s democracy is gradually drifting into a monarchy of sorts. Evidence abound on how successive governors want their own appointees to assume office at the expiration of their tenure. At the regional level, Nigerians have seen political overlords whose major preoccupat­ion is to build a monarchy for themselves. They have consolidat­ed their one step electoral victory by enthroning their relatives and acolytes as governors in their fiefdoms.

This selective system of democracy has brought a lot of misfits to power. Today, most councils are ruled by motor park touts otherwise known in local parlance as Agberos. Also, some of the lawmakers at both state and national levels are not better than retired Area boys. Hence, the hallowed Chambers of both the lower and upper legislativ­e Houses are bereft of robust debate and legislatio­n. Without attempting to ruffle the dusty pages of history, Nigerians who were privileged to witness the botched Third Republic would attest to this claim. Though not near perfection, but there was a semblance of true democracy in practice, as the attitudes, mannerism and deliberati­ons emanating from both hallowed Chambers then, put Nigerians on a better footing than what we have today. There was such commitment and admirable style and something to cheer about whenever lawmakers then met to deliberate on a Bill or the aftermath of their deliberati­ons.

Contrary to expectatio­ns, the quality of debate leaves much to be desired. Besides, the questionab­le Bills tossed for debate leaves the average Nigerian wondering if the lawmakers are true representa­tives of the people. The fake News and Hate Speech Bill had generated dust and condemnati­on, thereby putting to question the credibilit­y of lawmakers this Republic has produced. Though many Nigerians have seen sense in what others tagged as a nonsensica­l Bill, l won’t want to engage in a slanging match, but it has become obvious that we have politician­s in military garb. There are many questions begging for answers: What are the immediate motives behind this Bill? Perhaps, were this Bill to have been initiated during the immediate past President Goodluck Jonathan –led Peoples Democratic Party’(dpd) administra­tion, the likes of the current Informatio­n Minister, Alhaji Lai Mohammed would have been cooling their heels in jail. It would be too early to forget easily the venoms he unleashed on the then President and his party while working as the spokespers­on of his party. True to his earlier claim that he, then President Goodluck Jonathan remains one of the most abuse President democracy has ever produced. It is on record that Politician, technocrat­s alike and even ordinary Nigerians threw tantrums on former President Jonathan in the guise of criticizin­g his policies or his stance over certain national issues. Yet, the then President did not threaten arrest of any of critics because he realised that one of the hallmark of democracy was freedom of speech. But beyond mundane prism, fake news, Nigerians may understand but hate speech, is what is beyond human comprehens­ion.

The pedestrian coinage, hate speech, only makes a mockery of our collective intelligen­ce.

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