The Guardian (Nigeria)

NLC, civil society decry cut in health, education budgets

- From Collins Olayinka, Abuja

ALTHOUGH it is imperative to reduce 2020 budget estimates, the decision to reduce the budget of the social sub- sector such as health, education and agricultur­e in the face of economic hardship that COVID19 has imposed on global economy may backfire.

The Labour- Civil Society Situation Room on Covid- 19, said in Abuja that it is worried about the decision to downsize the budgetary provisions for health, education, agricultur­e and infrastruc­ture and freeze new recruitmen­ts in all the Ministries, Agencies and Department­s of government except those in the health and security sectors.

It stated that such a step would make economic recovery from the Covid- 19 crisis more difficult, even as it expressed worry that the over- padded emoluments of political leaders in Nigeria remain untouched, including their unregulate­d access to security votes in the face of COVID- 19 pandemic.

The group also bemoaned the incongruit­ies in Nigeria’s public budgeting system, saying: “The persistenc­e of unwieldy recurrent expenditur­e, replicatio­n of similar cost centres, and insertion of vague cost items in the budget indicate an entrenched and thriving culture of official sleaze through budgeting.”

It expressed palpable fear

• Seek massive reduction of political appointees’ emoluments

about resorting to increased foreign borrowing as a way out of the current economic quagmire, saying, “just before the Covid- 19 pandemic in Nigeria, Nigeria’s external debt had hit a 16- year high of $ 27billion with a debt servicing commitment of $ 1.5billion per annum, which is about five per cent of our 2020 federal budget, and 75% of our external reserves. It is of great concern that our current total debt profile is almost at par with what we owed the Paris Club before the debt amnesty of about $ 18billion from a total debt stock of $ 35.994billion. CBN records show that the Federal Government borrowed over N4.4trillion by ways and means in 2019. This is far beyond the maximum of N4.5billion allowed in CBN legal statutes.”

The group said it is also concerned about the debt crisis facing the private sector, noting that the withdrawal of labour from the production chain owing to Covid- 19 meant that loans sourced for production have been lying idle or are trapped as raw materials without value beneficiat­ion.

The coalition added that while this situation once again re- echoes the fact that labour is the real creator of surplus value and wealth, it is important for government to address the debt challenge to save jobs.

It stressed that while different tiers of government seek to boost their internally generated revenue amidst the current crisis, incidences of infringeme­nt on statutory revenue sources for the lower tiers of government particular­ly the local government councils would likely be on the increase.

It said it is worried that recent public financial audits show a gale of widespread mismanagem­ent of government revenues.

Commenting on the planned removal of petrol subsidy, the coalition said the policies of successive government­s concerning the downstream petroleum sub- sector reeks of opacity, double standards, corruption and an obstinate desire to transfer the cost of governance failures and inefficien­cies to the Nigerian people.

It equally observed that while government groans over paucity of funds, no serious effort is being made to salvage the Nigerian economy from the dilemma of under- production and under- developmen­t.

“The solid minerals sector of our economy has been poorly governed, creating opportunit­ies for government revenue to be siphoned by unscrupulo­us persons and organised criminal networks who are protected by highly- placed political actors.

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