The Guardian (Nigeria)

FCT Task Force arrests drug peddlers, impounds 11 vehicles

- From Anthony Otaru, Abuja

THE Federal Capital Territory ( FCT) Ministeria­l Task Force on City Sanitation has recovered a cache of hard drugs following the invasion of Gudu drug colony in Abuja.

Three persons suspected to be leaders of the drug syndicate were arrested with various illegal substances, including many packs of India hemp, a knife, bottles of codeine and tablets of other contraband drugs, among others. Chairman of the task force, Ikharo Attah, told newsmen yesterday that there was no going back on the aggressive cleaning exercise in Abuja, especially places that pose threats to security and safety of residents. Attah added that 11 vehicles believed to have been abandoned by roadside mechanics operating in illegal workshops around the drugs colony had been impounded. He warned that all hideouts where criminal elements occupy within the Apo road corridor and other places would be removed, and called on residents to stop constructi­ng unapproved structures indiscrimi­nately. According to him, the FCT Minister, Mallam Muhammad Musa Bello, had decided to spare no effort in restoring total sanitation to the nation’s capital, hence the resolve of the team to sustain the cleanup. “We resumed the operation today and were shocked to find out that at places we cleared completely on Monday, those removed had started to return by Wednesday. What one observed is that these people believe it is business as usual. Our return today is sending a strong message to them that the FCT minister is determined to match words with actions,” Attah said.

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