The Guardian (Nigeria)

The Mystery Of Ancestral Battles ( 2)

- By John Okene Text: Gen. 49: 5- 7, Deut. 34: 4- 5.

THERE are battles you fight in life that you don’t understand, especially if you observe that your grandparen­ts, your parents and even your siblings fought the same battles. This is a mystery. In our Bible texts, we can trace the foundation of Moses from the book of Genesis. Israel placed a curse on two of his sons; Simeon and Levi for their uncontroll­ed anger, and this moved on in their family line. Many years later, a man from the lineage of Levi got married to a

Levite woman ( Exodus 2: 1- 2), and they gave birth to Moses.

He grew up with a double portion of anger in his foundation. This manifested later in his life in Egypt, when he saw an Egyptian fighting with an Israelite. He killed the Egyptian, buried him in the sand and ran off to the wilderness. He went through the school of wilderness for forty years before God could use him. The enemy knew Moses’ weak point and so, would always push the anger button. It doesn’t matter who you are or how anointed you are, if you observe certain battles your parents fought and you do nothing about it, you may be handing it over to your children like a baton in a family relay. When at a time Moses went up to Mount Sinai to receive the tablet of the Ten Commandmen­ts from God, he was told that the Israelites had made for themselves a calf to worship and God was angry with them. He immediatel­y interceded for the people and God decided not to wipe out the people. However, when on his return Moses saw the people dancing to the calf, anger welled up in him and he threw down the tablet of the Ten Commandmen­ts, so that it broke in pieces. Still in anger, he burnt the calf, grounded it into powder, strewed it on water and made the people to drink it.

This was the same Moses, who was recorded in scriptures as the meekest man on earth ( Num. 12: 3), had the battle with anger strongly within him. The battle you neglect to fight and conquer can end up destroying you in future.

Again, when the Israelites had no water in the wilderness, God told Moses to gather the people and speak to the rock before their eyes, so it shall bring forth water for them. Moses, in his anger over the people’s constant complaints and ingratitud­e, struck the rock twice with his rod and water gushed out. The rock here symbolises Christ, Who followed them all through in the wilderness. God was angry with him for failure to sanctify Him before the people consequent­ly. God told him that he would see the Promised Land, but would not enter it. Indeed, Moses saw the Promised Land, but died without entering it. Ancestral battles can make a man see his breakthrou­gh, but never handle or enjoy it. May that never be your portion in Jesus name.

A certain man fought battles he never understood and struggled for years to earn a better living, all to no avail. He never moved forward until he died. About two weeks after his death, his family received his letter of promotion from his place of work. He had fought so hard for this promotion, and was assured of it, but could not assume his new position without an official letter to that effect until his demise.

Rev. John Okene, Divine Touch Int’l Ministries, Warri, Delta State. dtimchurch@ gmail. com Prayerline: + 2348135952­623

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