The Guardian (Nigeria)

Hope Ifeyinwa Nwakwesi

Lending Helping Hands To Nigerian Widows

- By mentoring them; start at your level, readjust your lifestyle but don’t destroy yourself. Create a ‘ financial hub’ by having multiple sources of income, even if it is to sell sachet water. Change accommodat­ion, schools and whatever if you must begin ag

HOPE IFEYINWA NWAKWESI is the founder of Almanah Hope, a non- government­al organisati­on focused on lending a helping hand and giving a new lease of life to Nigerian widows. Though she was widowed early in her marriage, the educationa­l supervisor, author, radio presenter and social entreprene­ur, was never deterred in her life’s course. Joining the rest of the world to celebrate this year’s Internatio­nal Widows’ Day, she launched Nigeria’s first Widows’ Database, which seeks to accommodat­e Nigerian widows, especially those in the rural areas. In this interview with TOBI AWODIPE, she talks about the widows’ protection bill, ending harmful practices against widows and why men must begin to take family planning and will writing more seriously.

YOurecentl­y organised an event in Nigeria to mark the Internatio­nal Widows Day ( IWD), how did it go?

It went well. We had Her Excellency, Dr Aisha Buhari as the Special Guest of Honor, with the Minister of Women Affairs, Dame Pauline Tallen, as the host. We also had notable speakers such as the UN Women Country Representa­tive, Comfort Lamptey, the media and other notable stakeholde­rs and speakers. Pauline Tallen launched the Nigerian Widows Database, as Comfort Lamptey confirmed the parameters required in the data collection. We discussed the need for the widows’ protection bill and the importance of amplifying these issues and works.

Tell us about the database, how would that benefit widows?

The Nigeria widows’ database initiative came up during this pandemic. As we all know, the effects of the lockdown affected so many especially widows whose source of income are predominan­tly from daily sales. I have many widows on my phone, seeking for assistance even from other states. I remember seeing some government agencies on Twitter talking about their palliative actions and I asked for help for my widows, but they didn’t respond to me. I then realised that there’s a need to help ourselves using data so that widows in the rural areas can also benefit. We contacted Women Radio to partner with us as we set out to start the data collection.

One fundamenta­l challenge during the distributi­on of palliative­s was a clear absence of a comprehens­ive database, including a database for widows in Nigeria. A database will go a long way in direct Federal Government interventi­on through the Ministry and in the appropriat­e channeling of much needed resources to target programmes, demographi­cs and households, thus directly improving the welfare of widows. It will help commission­ers and local councils create localised programmes on skill acquisitio­ns and empowermen­t. Having a database will in time, help widows seek for their own rights from relevant authoritie­s knowing that they will have no excuse of not knowing how to reach them. A demographi­c database will also help attract internatio­nal bodies with programmes and facilities as they can easily and directly access them from the data. The psychologi­cal effect of being counted is an antidote of the long experience ‘ sin of omission.’

How did you get into fighting for the rights of Nigerian widows?

I was widowed young with four young kids between the ages of 4 and eight. It was a painful experience as I had to battle at every side; from harmful cultural practices ( though my rites were the basic as the human factor was excluded off mine as I had my liberal and literate in- laws which shunned the vindictive ones) to the social issues. As a widow, my experience was traumatic and a long one. One month after I buried my police officer husband, I came back from the village to the barracks to meet a letter ejecting my children and I from the barracks. Three months later, I went to my office at a police school where I worked as a teacher and saw some people at the notice board. As I went there to see what they were reading, posted on it was my letter of suspension. My legs buckled under me and I fainted. These are just few examples of the systemic rot that goes on to which millions of women are not speaking about due to fear and shame.

How do we eradicate these harmful practices perpetuate­d against Nigerian widows?

For last year’s IWD walk, we said we were going to end every widowhood rite that violates women’s dignity; we shared flyers in the streets and markets of Lagos Island and Mainland, Awka and Abuja with our suggested 7 points action which are: Government must pass the law and transmit it to the masses using all channels; Traditiona­l rulers send letter to every family; use town criers to disseminat­e the stop order; Religious leaders must talk and preach against these harmful practices; All age grades meetings must begin to speak against and stop these practices; Schools must inculcate it in the curriculum and enlighten children and youths; Improved media enlightenm­ent and campaign; Posters calling for the end to these practices must be pasted on all women affairs offices, secretaria­t, Local Government headquarte­rs, primary healthcare and strategic centres; stating it with place of complaints in English and local languages.

And I add again, organisati­ons, review your CSRS, let your advertisin­g inculcate it; sponsor programmes that address social issues. Imagine a company’s advert and billboards saying, ‘ Confiscati­ng a widows property is stealing; report to so and so if you are a victim.’

You have been advocating for the widow’s protection bill, how would this bill protect them?

Yes, Almanah Foundation has prepared and submitted for considerat­ion in the Federal House of Representa­tives, a bill for an Act to eliminate all forms of repressive cultural practices against widows, provide for the protection of their fundamenta­l human rights and for other matters connected thereto, 2020. This Bill shall be cited as Widows Protection Bill, this is currently in the


hand of Hon. Adejoro Adeogun ( Akoko South East/ South West Federal Constituen­cy), which he promised would be having its first reading in March, but was sadly affected by the lockdown. I call upon all women and influencer­s to please partner with us and get this comprehens­ive protection rights for women passed.

You are also at the forefront of the fight to eliminate violence against women and girls, how far have you gone in that regards?

As a teacher and educationa­l administra­tor with three daughters and six grandkids, I believe in nipping SGBV in the bud. There’s a subtle downward transmissi­on of these GBV practices from our culture and intentiona­l teaching is required to re- orient our youths. This gave birth to our inter- secondary competitio­n on violence against women and girls in celebratio­n of Internatio­nal Day for Eliminatio­n of Violence against Women and Girls through the 16 days of activism from which I produced my second book, Message to the Youth. Schools are made to decorate the entrance with posters depicting the various forms of these violence and students write articles and poems on them. It has been informativ­e and rewarding these past three years but regrettabl­e, as neither the Women Affairs Ministry nor Education Ministry, which I have constantly approached, found it interestin­g or a need as I continue to spearhead it alone.

Loss of financial power is a major challenge most widows face, how are you helping them surmount this hurdle?

You often say that until widows’ issues become an integral part of all discussion­s and actions of gender equality, there will be no equity in the equality, why?

My simple answer will be what transpired between two women and myself. First, I met an educated, widely traveled woman I met after church service one day and gave her a copy of my book A Widow’s Window to buy. She pushed it back to me, saying, “Hold it till I know any widow I can give it to.” The second encounter, I met a woman two years ago in Abuja, a prominent actor, a one time political head, a great influencer and a personal assistant to another bigger politician. We sat on the same table at the Women Radio Voice of Women award 2018. I gave her an invitation to The Widows Summit we were having that November. She gave me the invite back, saying she’s not a widow; that’s the attitude of women to widows’ issues from churches, social, family circles and so on. Some people think I’m crazy, but after 26 years as an educationi­st, I’m not. I have even sent a letter to UN Women asking them to first address the ‘ sin of omission’ by changing to ‘ Internatio­nal Day for Eliminatio­n of Violence Against Widows, Women and Girls’ having identified Day of the Girl Child, Internatio­nal Women’s Day and Internatio­nal Widows Day. Removing them on a day they want to address the violation is an exclusion that makes us invisible.

A lot of people have argued that the Ministry of Women Affairs isn’t doing enough for Nigerian women, what’s your take on that?

Yes and No. Yes, because I’m personally yet to see or hear of a standing project of empowermen­t to girls, women and widows to which any of this group is benefiting from.

Judging from my past experience­s of having approached them for most of our programmes that are serious GBV issues, their outright unrest, even as we seek only endorsemen­t, leaves me bewildered. No, because of the singular act of the present honorable minister of Women Affairs this IWD of her endorsemen­t of the Nigeria Widows Database and her promise to ensure their rights are enshrined. The Ministry of Women Affairs need to wake up and present a preventive, prosecutiv­e and rehabilita­tive front; not just in their files, but also in the communitie­s. They should start be sponsoring programmes on GBV education on radios in their various states and create posters and billboards on these issues across their local government communitie­s.

Do you think these women can be better empowered and supported through careers as against just teaching

them to make soaps, bread and the likes?

I think that skill acquisitio­n is part of career developmen­t, but it is the presentati­on that is the issue. I’m of the school of thought that says our new norm of empowermen­t of widows and women must be modified to our former vocational and technical education. University education is great, but we can see the massive unemployme­nt and importatio­n of almost everything we use today. We used to have secondary/ technical and vocational schools for both women and men, but they’ve all been abandoned. Proper skill training for young women and girls will help her build a career as she perfects her skill, but ad- hoc empowermen­t training often does not as she’s not fully equipped. We have a Widows and Women Empowermen­t Program ( WAWEP), a project that will take this training to the widows and women to their space, giving them ample opportunit­y and time to master one skill and build a career off it; which we’ve already submitted to Federal Ministry of Women Affairs.

How do you think the government and private individual­s can lend tangible support to widows?

Government should provide policy to protect her rights, having identified the absence of a legal framework that is targeted at widows. I personally believe that supporting widows is protecting her rights and providing facilities for her to be independen­t and not be a liability. An educationa­l scholarshi­p/ loan for her children, health insurance, SME loans by government, organisati­ons and individual­s can help cushion her struggle as she builds herself with less humiliatio­n and abuse.

How can Nigeria end SGBV against women and girls?

We must go back to the basis, starting from family, schools, media and religion. As parents, we must teach our children from infancy that ability is not gender sensitive. While the physiologi­cal difference­s must be respected and observed accordingl­y, abilities are both inherent and can be nurtured for both sexes. Schools must have gender- based education as core and extra curriculum and an intentiona­l education of SGBV laws. Last year, walking into one of the schools, a teacher approached me and said, ‘ you’re

Almanah Hope? I just want to say thank you!’ I asked what for and she said, ‘ when I was nominated to prepare our students on the competitio­n, I was angry, asking myself what is this one again. But something I observed between my students changed my perception. An argument ensued between students ( a boy and a girl); the girl jumped on the boy and grabbed his collar. Raising his fist high, he dropped it and said, “If not because they said beating is violence, I would have given you the beating of your life.’ The competitio­n was to draw, colour and paste on their school entrance the various act of violence against women and girls. Imagine that young boy absorbing this teaching intermitte­ntly; he will grow with a respectabl­e attitude to female gender. Media must intensify education and informatio­n; Religious bodies must begin to preach an end to SGBV on the pulpit and even in Sunday school classes.

If you could change something for Nigerian women, what would that be?

Our cultural perception of women! The patriarcha­l society aftermath of ‘ she’s a women,’ her ability defined in her sexuality.

Where do you draw inspiratio­n from, how do you stay motivated when things aren’t going the way you want?

My inspiratio­n comes from God and life itself. You see, my life did not go as planned, but I had to walk into the unplanned to get a plan. My motivation comes from my experience and my profession. Yes, I told myself that life would not swallow me as I got up to move and at each difficulty; I pause to say if I survived that I will survive this. When things start going wrong and I seem to see myself in the left, I have learned to walk on the right.

‘ Widows, If Your In- Laws Rob You, Seek Redress Legally, But Don’t Make It Your Profession’ We must go back to the basis, starting from family, schools, media and religion. As parents, we must teach our children from infancy that ability is not gender sensitive. While the physiologi­cal difference­s must be respected and observed accordingl­y, abilities are both inherent and can be nurtured for both sexes

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