The Guardian (Nigeria)

Our Required Preparatio­n For The Enemies To Submit

- By Pastor Lazarus Muoka Founder/ General Overseer The Lord’s Chosen Charismati­c Revival Ministries Worldwide

BELOVED, that great programme much expected this year, that time of our visitation when the Lord will cause our enemies to submit to us is at hand. We must understand that the duties of our enemies are to steal, kill and destroy. He has no other design in coming than to plunder, pinch, demolish, cause pain and etc and none of these duties is considered a funny story. As this battle with our enemies’ rages with its attendant pain, hiss and cries, those that lack understand­ing would conclude that the enemies are having upper hand in the fight but the truth is that God uses ugly situation in the life of His people to magnify His power and name. So, the time of our deliveranc­e has finally come, that time when He will magnify His name and take glory in that your ugly situation. God Almighty has again remembered us for deliveranc­e from the grip of our enemies vis- à- vis sicknesses, diseases, poverty, childlessn­ess, insanity, affliction­s, etc. God is set to cause our enemies regardless of how strong and equipped they are to submit to us.

This is not the first time God will be intervenin­g to deliver His Chosen people from their enemies. In the time of Abraham He appeared as a traveller and to Joshua as a man of war.

Joshua 5: 13- 14 states, “And it came to pass, when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and, behold, there stood a man over against him with his sword drawn in his hand: and Joshua went unto him, and said unto him, Art thou for us, or for our adversarie­s? 14 And he said, Nay; but as captain of the host of the Lord am I now come. And Joshua fell on his face to the earth, and did worship, and said unto him, What saith my lord unto his servant?”

Here, the Angel of God had his sword drawn, which emboldened Joshua to carry on the war with vigour. God’s interventi­on produces same result all the time. When God intervenes in your situation, no matter how bad your situation may be or what you have suffered, one thing that will be certain is that victory is assured. The angel’s response to Joshua’s earnest inquisitio­n could be interprete­d thus, “Fear not my Chosen one, Jehovah had sent from heaven to save you and your people from the reproach of them that had desired to swallow you up.”

The word of encouragem­ent above was the elixir needed to keep the Israelites standing on their feet against their enemies as they have began to imagine that God had forsaken them. By appearing as man of war, the Angel proved that their help was not by human might, but the Lord of hosts. Thereafter, the angel required they should observe one basic principle of God, which is ensuring they were standing on holiness.

“And the captain of the LORD’S host said unto Joshua, Loose thy shoe from off thy foot; for the place whereon thou standest is holy. And Joshua did so” ( Josh. 5: 15).

The above encounter that Joshua had with the angel of God captured what God has determined to do for us in this forthcomin­g special program titled “And the Enemies submitted.”

And now that it is our time of visitation, it is necessary we should meet the condition of holiness which our deliverer the God Almighty has required from whosoever that desired his enemies be submitted.

God requires us to take- up the image that is in consonance with His status of godliness as that is the only determinin­g factor that will ensure our safety and force our enemies to submit.

God will not hear or deliver those that call upon Him but are not ready to repent from their sins and live a godly life. If you want your enemies including poverty, affliction­s, sicknesses, diseases, childlessn­ess and etc to surrender to you, you must be ready to comply to the instructio­n of holiness for the Lord hears not sinners. Such as love and delight in sin, such as are in a state of sin, and go on in a course of sin, will not be heard by God, either have their enemies submitted or their prayers answered. The audacity of the enemy in tormenting our lives lies in our unprepared­ness to do away with sin. Where there is no such propensity to accommodat­e wickedness, the enemy has no power.

So as we prepare for the special programme titled, ‘ And The Enemies Submitted’ in which we are going to celebrate the final submission of our enemies, we must ensure we maintain holiness. We must not allow God who is coming to take away our burden of affliction to find us in a state of wickedness.

Amos 4: 12 says, “Therefore, thus will I do unto thee, O Israel: and because I will do this unto thee, prepare to meet thy God, O Israel”

Our Lord is visiting to deal with our enemies, thus we must prepare to meet Him. We must not follow the example of Adam who went into hiding when he heard that God was visiting. Everybody must be in attention to receive God’s blessing during this visitation. There is, no doubt, that after that day, our lives shall never be the same again. The dumb shall speak; lame shall walk, blind shall see and the afflicted delivered. If we are convinced that He that promised to make our enemies be submitted to us is the Almighty God and we believe that God is greater than our enemies, we must therefore prepare to receive Him in a special way.

It is no longer in doubt what our God can do. This is because testimonie­s are everywhere to attest to what He can do.

Mt 9: 32 - 33 says, “As they went out, behold, they brought to him a dumb man possessed with a devil. 33 And when the devil was cast out, the dumb spake: and the multitudes marvelled, saying, It was never so seen in Israel.”

Wherever our Lord Jesus Christ went during His earthly sojourn, He was always greeted with multitude of afflicted people and He healed them all. Those that have knowledge of His visitation went about inviting people to come and the invitees did not regret honouring the invitation. Likewise, we are expected to go about inviting people for this crusade as a matter of preparatio­n. And in so doing God will see our good work and bless us.

Above all if you want your enemies to submit, do not waste time to repent, forsake your sins and then promise God that you will not do them again. You must understand that it is sin that makes our enemy the devil to afflict us. So, if you want your enemy to submit in the coming program, you must make haste to meet the required preparatio­n, which is accepting Christ as Lord and personal Saviour.

My Deliveranc­e From Satanic Influences And HIV

MY name is Benoit Nguh and I am a Camerounia­n but residing in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea. I will not be ashamed to expose the devil in this testimony because he was not ashamed to put me into the most ridiculous and despicable life situation. I want to let you know that I was before now a chronic and unrepentan­t sinner. I was seriously into adultery and fornicatio­n and obsessed with anything under the skirt. Although I had female sin partners which I stupidly called girlfriend­s but yet I was daily visiting prostitute­s in brothels. Besides the fact that I was having them in different shapes and colours I was still a rapist. When it came to lying or cheating, I was a Champion because I could outwit anybody anytime. Truth was alien to me for I couldn’t remember any occasion when I told the truth, yet I appeared innocent and people had dealings with me. I was a drunk, drug peddler and smoker, and delighted in doing evil continuall­y and never considered any of my misdemeano­urs as wickedness. But when I joined the Lord’s Chosen and heard the undiluted word of God, my life became new. I did not only stop smoking, I’m now irritated by the odour of cigarette. The urge to fornicate and masturbate has ceased. Prior to this change of life, I didn’t know that one could live without committing sin but now righteousn­ess is my watchword.

My going to Chosen Church initially was never to be born again but to be blessed and get rich. But every day during sermon the Pastor will draw attention of sinners to the impending wrath of God that awaits them if they refused to repent and such word will be pricking my conscience. Thus, every service day, I would go home wounded in the heart. This is because while I was into all those atrocities, my wife and children were in Cameroun whereas I was living with another woman as I mistook such behaviour as a norm in the society. But after I heard how wicked it is to live with a woman that is not your wife, I started presenting the matter to God to give me the courage to send her packing.

As this was ongoing, that woman ( my sin partner) suddenly fell sick and was taken to different hospitals but the sickness- defied solution, not until she was referred to teaching hospital that she was diagnosed of HIV. At this juncture, the medical doctor attending to her advised I should also undergo blood screening to ascertain my HIV status. Without hesitation I submitted myself for test and the result came to be negative. Cheerfully I took the result to the doctor, but he rejected it and instead directed I should go to another laboratory. When I repeated the test where he directed the result was positive. At this point I became devastated and was terribly afraid. It was like the whole world was falling on me. Then, I concluded that since there is no cure for HIV, the only option left would be to go and cry unto God for forgivenes­s. I then took the case to my Pastor who counseled that if I could amend my ways, the God of Chosen will heal me. I promised to amend my way and he prayed for me and asked I should ensure that I participat­ed in this crusade as the General Overseer will minister live and every yoke shall be broken. I asked whether he was sure the man of God would come, he affirmed.

So, I left whatever I was doing and engaged in publicity of the crusade. There was jubilation everywhere when the news came that the General Overseer Pastor Lazarus Muoka has arrived. I was so happy and reassured myself that the time for my deliveranc­e has come. On the first day of the crusade, I was among the early participan­ts that arrived the venue of the crusade. And when it was time for deliveranc­e ministrati­on, my case was the first to be mentioned by the General Overseer. He said, ‘ that young man diagnosed of HIV, I command you to return to the laboratory for another test for God has decided to wipe away your tears, you are healed in Jesus name’. On hearing that declaratio­n, my joy knew no bound as I jumped out of my seat and saw myself rolling on the ground. I didn’t wait for the service to close as I dashed to same hospital and asked to be tested again. The lab attendant asked why I wanted to waste money for another test. I told her not to worry about that because I was not spending her money neither was I begging for her financial assistance. So, after little argument she reluctantl­y took my blood sample for screening.

Lo and behold, when she was done, the result was negative. Somehow, something ministered to me to demand for another test, I paid for another test and the result again was negative.

Brethren, I cannot stop thanking this God for delivering me from satanic projection and influence. I have amended my ways and the life I live now I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me.

MYoke Of Stagnancy Broken Y name is Isaiah Ndukwu. I reside in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea. My problem started in 2017 after I returned from a brief visit to my country. As soon as I came back, everything about me became stagnant. Nobody was interested to do business with me. Any transactio­n I got involved would suddenly become soured and the other parties would regret why I was included. It got to a point I was living from hand to mouth. Even the people I thought how to do business in Malabo distanced themselves from me.

I used to criticise Lord’s Chosen members particular­ly those who boast of marvelous work of God. I never believed in miracles until I attended the Lord’s Chosen crusade through an invitation and was visited by God. During the crusade, many people with diverse health problems received their healings after the man of God prayed.

On my own part, as soon as the pastor started deliveranc­e prayers and people started falling down, I was busy trying to figure out what was the cause of their hysterical behaviour, which made some of them fell on the ground. As I continued to observe the situation, suddenly, I found myself pulled out of the congregati­on to the pulpit. I later discovered I was under the influence of the anointing of the man of God. During the deliveranc­e prayers, the pastor kept saying there was somebody suffering from the yoke of stagnancy who will receive today a call that will positively change his life. I didn’t know the prophetic utterance was meant for me.

At the end when I got home I felt like someone who has been relieved of a heavy load. Not quite I stepped into my house than I got a call from an old customer to supply some goods. The customer who had refused to pick my calls since I came back in 2017 from Nigeria was repeatedly calling me. He pleaded I should make the delivery that day but I told him it would only be possible after the crusade. I was woke up by his call next day after crusade and I went and service the order. Lo and behold, I made 100 percent profit. And since that time till now I have made more than what I used to make in a year.

Beloved, I am humbled by the mercy of God. I can now tell every ear that God of Chosen is a true God.

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 ??  ?? National Youth Choir ministerin­g in one of the church’s programmes at Chosen Revival ground, Lagos
National Youth Choir ministerin­g in one of the church’s programmes at Chosen Revival ground, Lagos

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