The Guardian (Nigeria)

Encomiums As Nkanga Goes Home

- From Inemesit Akpan- Nsoh. Uyo

TRIBUTES continued to pour in for the late Air Commodore ( rtd.) Idongesit Nkanga, who was buried, yesterday, in his hometown, in Nsit Ibom Local Council of Akwa Ibom State.

The former Military President, General Ibrahim Babagida, described him, as “a fine administra­tor, who was endowed with passion for hard work.”

In a condolence message read at his funeral by Gen. Anthony Etukudo ( rtd.) who represente­d him, Babangida said: “Nkanga came to the world as a uniform soldier, fought for Nigeria’s unity and developmen­t. He was my former student, one of the best military officers Nigeria has ever produced. Commander Presidenti­al Fleet during my time, a very good administra­tor, endowed with passion for hard work.

“He was a military Governor of Akwa Ibom State, which I created in 1987. He retired from the military but still remained a fighting soldier in mufti. He fought many battles of life for the developmen­t and advancemen­t of Akwa Ibom State and Nigeria. His legacies as military governor are unquantifi­able. Nigeria will greatly miss his rare ingenuity. May his soul rest in peace. ”

Also, representi­ng the Niger Delta Forum ( PANDEF), Senator Bassey Henshaw, said: “We are still in shock over the sudden demise of our dear, National Chairman. The entire leadership and membership of PANDEF are saddened by his death. It is devastatin­g, words are not enough to express the pain and grief we feel. He was selfless, humane, broad- minded, trusted leader, esteemed compatriot­s and statesmen.

“Nkanga was unwavering­ly committed and dedicated to the founding ideals and objectives of PANDEF; to find unity, peace, and developmen­t in the Niger Delta region.

“With a combinatio­n of his strict military background, political and administra­tive sagacity and working in tandem with our National Leader, Chief Edwin Clark and other critical stakeholde­rs of the region, he was able to seamlessly, elevate PANDEF’S standing to enviable summit within a short period as our pioneer national Chairman.

Bayelsa State Governor, Mr. Douye Diri recalled his last encounter with Nkanga in Port Harcourt, when all Niger Delta governors converged and leadership of PANDEF, as well as others were represente­d.

“We have not just lost a father, we have lost an activist of the Niger Delta region. We’ve lost an intelligen­cer of the Niger Delta Region and an Air commodore of Nigeria” Governor Udom Emmanuel described him as “his friend, and close confidant, whom he shared thoughts and ideas, visions together, and brainstorm­ed on the way forward for the Niger Delta and for Akwa Ibom….

“Today, we are gathered here to pay tribute to a man, who was in every sense of the word, a colossus, a statesman, a patriot, a man of impeccable character and integrity, whose words were his bonds, and whose dedication to Akwa Ibom project, Niger Delta and larger Nigeria enterprise, was total and nonegotiab­le. We are gathered here to bid farewell to a friend, to a man who was passionate­ly committed to the developmen­t of Akwa Ibom State.”

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