The Guardian (Nigeria)

Living Waters

Founder/ General Overseer The Lord’s Chosen Charismati­c Revival Ministries Worldwide

- By Pastor Lazarus Muoka

agreements hence inflicting hardship on the other parties. All these are signs of End Time. People no longer respect and keep to the Word of God; rather they make jest of the gospel. These are, indeed, what the Bible calls the falling away. However, in the midst of all these wrongdoing­s, the Bible encourages God’s people not to follow the multitude to observe the legacies Jesus Christ gave to the Christians in the Bible. As believers in Christ, we should patiently endure to the end. Hence, the Bible advises in Hebrews10: 35- 39, saying, “Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward. 36 For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise. 37 For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry. 38 Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him. 39 But we are not of them who draw back unto perdition; but of them

that believe to the saving of the soul”. Faithfulne­ss is the driving force leading Christians to the Promised Land, which is Heaven. Looking unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith, we are in great expectatio­n to meet with our Maker, if we endure to the end. It may not be a bed of roses, but with fear and trembling, even in tribulatio­n, we should be focusing attention on the great reward in Heaven, never to look back but to make Heaven at last. Whatever the situation that might arise in the course of the heavenly race, we must not draw back, as those that do so have no pleasure in Christ. We, as Christians must always faithfully look unto Christ and by God’s grace make Heaven in Jesus name.

The Testimony Of The Lord’s Doing

Four Years Broken Marriage Re- united

Mal 2: 16 ( a) “For the Lord, the God of Israel, saith that he hateth putting away… Matt. 19: 6( b) … what therefore God hath joined together, let no man put asunder.”

MARRIAGE is an institutio­n ordained by God and, therefore, He does not play with it. The covenant of marriage can only be broken by death. Any man or woman who breaks marriage for any reason whatsoever incurs the wrath of God. It was no wonder that ‘ Sister Vero,’ who was sent out of her marriage four years ago was asked to return to her marriage because God hates putting away and what God has joined together, no man can put asunder.

Her Testimony

Praise the Lord! My name is Sister Veronica Peters from Ogun State. In 2007, my husband gave me some money to go to the village to complete our house over there. But before I finished and returned in 2008, another woman had taken over my marriage. My husband didn’t want to see me again. This was happening in Abeokuta. I had to leave Abeokuta and travelled to Ibadan. At Ibadan, I started a petty business, but there was not much profit. Eventually, I got in contact with a woman here in Lagos, and she introduced me into prostituti­on in a hotel. After a while, I stopped seeing my menstruati­on. I began to run helter skelter, looking for a solution. I was introduced to a man in Ikorodu. He asked me to pay N10, 000 and took me to a river to bathe me, but there was still no solution. I was also introduced to a man in Agege, who asked me to pay N40, 000. Out of the sum, he used N15, 000 to buy a goat for sacrifice. When the goat was killed, the man gave me the blood to bathe with, yet there was no solution.

After that, I met a woman ( sister) that introduced me to The Lord’s Chosen, but before I agreed to come, I told the woman that I didn’t have money again to spend, in case they ask me to pay some money. But the woman assured me that they don’t pay money at The Chosen.

I followed the woman to Chosen and on getting here, my menstruati­on that had stopped for five years was restored. After my testimony two weeks ago ( 26/ 2/ 12), I said if only God would re- unite me with my husband, I would be happy. My daddy- in- the- Lord, our General Pastor said I should return to my husband and so, I went as my Pastor instructed me. Surprising­ly, when I got to my husband, he happily received me back. The strange woman fought tooth and nail to frustrate me, but God of Chosen fought the battle for me. My husband’s brother accused me of going to native doctors to do charms; that even the apron I was putting on had strange powers. I told him, I did not go to any native doctor, but that I am a Chosen. He said he would burn my apron. I did not mind him because I know, he said that in ignorance. Eventually, my husband told me to go inside and sleep.

Before I went I bought some magazines… And The Enemies Submitted sticker and other church materials, which I placed in the house, and the power of God began to move.

The strange woman was asked to prepare food for the family to eat, but she refused and told my husband he should tell his wife ( referring to me) to prepare the food. I prepared the food and my husband and I ate. This happened twice. I told my husband that I was returning to Lagos to give this testimony and then packed my luggage and returned. He gave his approval.

Brethren, our God is wonderful. He restored my menstruati­on and now, He has re- united me with my husband. The God of Chosen is wonderful indeed. Praise the Lord. I pray for my Pastor that the God that called him will never forsake him. His power will grow from strength to strength. He will possess the gates of his enemies and no weapon formed against him shall prosper. I pray for him and all the Chosen members worldwide, Heaven at last in Jesus name! Amen. Praise the Lord!

Sister Veronica Peters, Ogun State.

 ??  ?? A testifier sharing his testimony at Mgbidi 2021
A testifier sharing his testimony at Mgbidi 2021
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