The Guardian (Nigeria)


- Text: John 3: 7


Tunder considerat­ion today is a must- to- get experience for every human being created by God on earth. No one is exempted from this experience. Those who occupy themselves with activities in the church of God but have not repented should drop whatever they are doing and seek for salvation experience. RIP wishes cannot change anything; it won’t alter the course of suffering in hell fire for sinners.

The state of man has been so deplorable it can be best described as ‘ Ichabod’— the glory has departed. A sinner has no trace of glory in his life. He is a shameful being that needs God’s redemptive power. There is no substitute to salvation. It

GOddemonst­rated His sovereign authority to open and shut the doors of the kingdom in the life of Cyrus, a Persian King. About one and half centuries before Cyrus became a ruler, we read this about him, “Thus says the LORD to His anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have held— To subdue nations before him And loose the armour of kings, To open before him the double doors, So that the gates will not be shut: ‘ I will go before you And make the crooked places straight; I will break in pieces the gates of bronze And cut the bars of iron” ( Isaiah

By His sovereign power, Jesus opened the gates of death for Lazarus to come back to life after four days of being pronounced dead. “When Jesus commanded Lazarus to rise from the dead, how did he obey that command? John 11: 43 says, “He [ Jesus] cried out with a loud voice, ‘ Lazarus, come out.’” Jesus’ words are full of life and quicken the dead. The dead obey

His commands. Thus, we read in the next verse, “The man who had died came out, his hands and feet bound with linen strips” ( John 11: 44). Jesus’ command is very powerful and the dead obeys Him.

Apart from having the key to the human heart, Jesus also has the key to the nations. He alone can open the door to the nations. No man can gain access to the nations unless God grants it. He said, “Ask of Me, and I will give You The nations for Your inheritanc­e, And the ends of the earth for Your possession” ( Psalms

In 1 Corinthian­s 16: 9, Paul declared these words, “For a great and effective door has opened to me, and there are many adversarie­s.” ( I Corinthian­s

Satan is always standing in our way from progressin­g in the work of the kingdom. Not even the King of glory was unchalleng­ed by this mortal foe. Just think about this encounter between the King of glory and an unknown principali­ty.

“Lift up your heads, O you gates! And be lifted up, you everlastin­g doors! And the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, The LORD mighty in battle. “Lift up your heads, O you gates! Lift up, you everlastin­g doors! And the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The LORD of hosts, He is the King of glory. Selah” ( Psalms

The exact time and location of this conflict are unknown, but it reveals the nature of the opposition we are against and the unsurpasse­d power of our King to open stubborn doors.

As we progress in 2021, let us know this: Jesus has opened the door of life and blessings for us. In the same vein, He has shut the door of 2020 with its sad experience­s.

pastoracuk­achi@ gmail. com

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By Austen C. Ukachi

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