The Guardian (Nigeria)

The Neglected Truth Of Political Marriage

- By S. I. Okelezoh

THetruth of the four cardinal geographic­al political positions: North, South, East and West.

Note the name’s identity; North is north; it is not west, east or south South is south; it is not west, east or north East is east. It is not west, north or south West is west; it is not north, east or South.

Each of these blocks possesses her name, identity, power, honour and dignity. Each of them is a bride, and as

a bride, each possesses her peculiar beauty and glory content of good, which by harnessing becomes goods of blessings and of business that would- be bridegroom would seek to have.

Note also that each brideblock contains blessed- glory content diverse from the others. It is this manifest brand of glory that attracts the love attention of the groomto it. We should note that the true and real groom is God; man i. e. the leader is just a subordinat­e groom, who is just a proxy of God the bridegroom.

Romans 13: 1

[ 1] Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Each region must possess a cornerston­e ideologica­l political party that gives a politicalp­arty- face as a bargaining power, for the true and genuine negotiatio­n that baptises the teeming population of that region. This regional ideologica­l formation of political party is the very power, beauty, glory and honour that earns the respect of honest political marriage bargain. It is not done in a hurry but solemnly, painstakin­gly and of give and take in a manner of win- win and lose- lose. Any arrangemen­t other than this setting breeds first- class and secondclas­s citizens, master and slave citizen or militarise­d democ

racy, among others

As earlier indicated, all the regions are merely taking the bride position. Who then is the bridegroom? God is the invisible bridegroom, the true governing Husband. He only ordains, appoints the subordinat­e husband to oversee the bride.

Isaiah 62: 4

[ 4] Thou shalt no more be termed Forsaken; neither shall thy land any more be termed Desolate: but thou shalt be called Hephzibah, and thy land


Beulah: for the Lord delighteth in thee, and thy land shall be married.

Psalm 62: 11

[ 11] God hath spoken once; twice have I heard this; that power belongeth unto God.

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