The Guardian (Nigeria)

While Men Slept ( 6)

- By John Okene

Text: Job 7: 13- 16 The Mystery Of Evil Dream

JOB’S expectatio­n from our Bible passage was to get comfort and rest from sleep after the day’s troubles, but the contrary was the case. This is the experience of so many people today and so, they find life meaningles­s. Whenever they close their eyes to sleep, they go through attacks like being pursued by men and animals, pressed down by men, having sex, injected or fed in the dream and so on. A lady had a dream of breast feeding a baby and bitten by the baby. When she woke up, she felt pains on the nipple of that breast, but thought it was a mere dream and so did nothing about it. One month later, she noticed a swelling on that breast and on medical investigat­ion, it was diagnosed to be cancer. The breast was cut off. These are the mysteries of evil dreams. Her case was a satanic programmin­g. There are three kinds of dreams: the first is business dream, which comes from the multitude of activities you had for the day. It is normal, although it can become evil if unusually repeated. If you watch a horror movie for instance, and you repeatedly dream of it, the devil can use it as an access point into your life. The second kind of dream is

Godly dream when God speaks to His children ( Job 33: 15- 16) and the third is evil dream. Your dream tells a lot about your past, present and future situation in life. This is why you must not take it with levity. It is, therefore, important to identify what these evil dreams are.

The first of them is having a “look alike” in the dream. This means you have a spiritual twin who comes to take your place and what belongs to you. A lady read one of my books “Reclaim

Your Destiny” and ran down immediatel­y for deliveranc­e. Her story was that on several occasions, her husband would claim to have discussed with her, certain issues that she knew nothing about. When she read my book, she got to know that she had a spiritual twin that manifested physically to her husband unknown to him. After the deliveranc­e, she was set free. For such victims, the twin can go ahead to take what belongs to the person, causing him or her to suffer disappoint­ments in life. I pray for you, whosoever is representi­ng you as a twin in the spirit realm, may they catch fire in Jesus name.

Another kind of evil dream is when you are being fed in the dream. I preached in a crusade sometime ago when a lady, hit by the anointing, started confessing that her mission was to cook and feed people in the dream.

Get my book on YOUR BATTLES AND YOUR DREAMS for more details on this topic. Rev. John Okene, Divine Touch Int’l Ministries, Warri, Delta State. dtimchurch@ gmail. com Prayerline: + 2348135952­623

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