The Guardian (Nigeria)

Jesus Our Peace ( 2)

- By Rev. Dr. Emmanuel Ojo

John 14: 27 “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you ‘ Not as the world gives do I give to you’, Let not your hearts be troubled”.

JESUS made clear statements on the nature or type of peace the world gives and the peace He left with His disciples ( Christians). Jesus peace guarantees the wholeness of heart because He knows that our heart is the centre of all decision making in life. In verse 1, He said, “Do not let your heart be trouble…” A trouble heart lacks the peace I am talking about— lack of job, money and good home can trouble the heart, but when you have Jesus at the centre of your heart, those challenges are steppingst­ones into your greatness in Jesus name.

Again, the peace that Jesus offers is not without challenge. He said, “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world, you will have tribulatio­n But take heart, I have overcome the heart” John 16: 33. Tribulatio­n will arise in the face of Peace that Jesus offers. The joy is that He has made the provision for victory, as long as we tap our grace from Him. The situation may be beyond your control, but He said take heart, which means, Be rest assured that you will overcome. Whenever you are confronted with the battle of life, come to Jesus and not to the world. The peace you get from the world is temporary. The world is wicked. The people of the world are so crafty in nature. They may ask you to join the powerful people of the world to secure your life and family, but there is no peace in such arrangemen­t. The world will give you

peace today and retrieve it tomorrow. You may laugh in the morning and be sad in the night because of the attachment they will add to your joy. Jesus extends this great invitation to you in your present position. He said: “Come unto me, all ye that are labour and heavy laden and I will give you rest” ( Matthew 11: 28 KJV). In essence, if your load is heavy for you to carry, roll it over to Jesus. He is a burden bearer. Are you tired of life or you are confused in your life journey? Seek Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace. May He grant you peace in all ramificati­ons! Amen, Shallom!

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