The Guardian (Nigeria)

Obedience To God’s Word Brings Blessings, Says Abbe

- By Ven. ‘ Bode Oduneye

THE Primate of The African Church, His Eminence, Julius Olayinka Osayande Abbe, has urged believers to be obedient to God’s Word in 2021. He gave the charge, recently, during his New Year episcopal visit to

Agege Diocese.

Speaking on the topic: ‘ Obedience to God’s word: Preparatio­n for Blessings,’ at The African Church, Saviour’s Cathedral, Agege, Lagos, Abbe explained that obedience is the key to God’s heart. According to him, obedience is an act of submitting to an authority. It has to do with hearing the Word of God and acting on it. When a believer aligns his/ her will to that of God’s and act in total compliance to His instructio­n, he/ she will open himself/ herself to God’s blessings.

“God expects us to be obedient to His words. It is by so doing that we can access His blessings.

The Bible made it abundantly clear that whoever is willing and obedient shall eat the good of the land, Isaiah 1: 19. God is not a respecter of persons. He relates with you, based on your submission to His Will and precepts,” he said.

The cleric said when Christians completely surrender to God’s authority and base their decisions and actions on His Word; God in His goodness will open ways and bless His children beyond imaginatio­n. He cited three instances in the Bible, where God blessed those who followed His instructio­ns to the letter:

• In John 6: 1 - 10, Jesus sensing the need to feed those who were following Him, numbering about five thousand, instructed that they should all be made to sit down, even though there was no food in sight, and they all did. And with just five barley loaves and two small fish, they were all fed. The blessings of the Lord followed their obedience.

• In 2 Kings 4: 1, a certain woman who was a wife to a Prophet cried out to Elisha, saying, “Your servant my husband is dead, and you know that your servant feared the Lord. And the creditor is coming to take my two sons to be his slaves.” Upon enquiry, Elisha discovered that the only thing she had at home was a jar of oil. She was instructed to go and borrow empty vessels from her neighbours and have them filled up with her jar of oil. She did and was blessed beyond her expectatio­ns.

• Also in 2 Kings 5, a leper the Bible described as ‘ great and honourable,’ whose name was Namaan was asked to go and wash himself in River Jordan. He didn’t want to go at first, but he later changed his mind and went. The miracle that followed his obedience was unbelievab­le!

 ??  ?? Cathedral Provost, The Ven. C. K. Afolabi ( left); Bishop, Agege Diocese, The Rt. Rev’d Akin Ajayi and wife; Primate of The African Church, His Eminence J. O. Abbe and wife, Dorcas; Diocesan Secretary, Chief Oluwole Oluga and Cathedral Warden, ‘ Damola Adepegba, Esq, during Abbe’s New Year Episcopal visit to Agege Diocese of The African Church.
Cathedral Provost, The Ven. C. K. Afolabi ( left); Bishop, Agege Diocese, The Rt. Rev’d Akin Ajayi and wife; Primate of The African Church, His Eminence J. O. Abbe and wife, Dorcas; Diocesan Secretary, Chief Oluwole Oluga and Cathedral Warden, ‘ Damola Adepegba, Esq, during Abbe’s New Year Episcopal visit to Agege Diocese of The African Church.

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