The Guardian (Nigeria)

Okonjo- Iweala: Triumph of developmen­t diplomacy

- By C. Don Adinuba Adinuba is commission­er for informatio­n & public enlightenm­ent, Anambra State.

LIKE the rest of humankind, the Government and people of Anambra State are delighted that Nigeria’s former Finance Minister, Dr Ngozi Okonjo- Iweala, who has also been the Foreign Minister as well as the World Bank Managing Director, has finally emerged the Director General of the World Trade Organizati­on ( WTO). It is remarkable that Dr Okonjo- Iweala is the first African and the first female to lead this important organizati­on with 164 members and 24 observer government­s which was formed on January 1, 1995, to regulate internatio­nal trade.

Her triumph shows Nigeria’s foreign policy is regaining the dynamism of the past decades, as Governor Willie Obiano stated in three separate letters last October 30 to President Muhammadu Buhari, Foreign Minister Geoffrey Onyeama as well as Informatio­n and Culture Minister Lai Mohammed. The Buhari administra­tion has done three remarkable things since last year which show Nigeria is returning to the global stage with regained self- confidence and strategy. It stood up to Ghana when it was maltreatin­g thousands of Nigerian businessme­n and women and pumped sense into the heads of the Ghanaian authoritie­s. The only offence by the Nigerians in Ghana was that they were far more competitiv­e than their Ghanaian counterpar­ts in the globalized world marked by acute competitio­n. Ever since the Buhari administra­tion demonstrat­ed to the Ghanaian government that “enough is enough”, the harassment of Nigerian businessme­n and women and the imposition of discrimina­tory levies against them have ceased. Protection of its citizen everywhere in the world and the defence of their well- being and interests are the primary purpose of every government.

The Buhari administra­tion also scored a bull’s eye when it refused to kowtow to the Donald Trump’s intimidati­ng excesses and rather insisted on Dr Akinwunmi Adesina’s reelection as President of the African Developmen­t Bank ( AFDB). Trump’s government had made all manner of allegation­s against Dr Adesina which were completely false. Trump probably has something against Africans on internatio­nal assignment­s. He accused the World Health Organizati­on Director General, Dr Tedros Adhanom of Ethiopia of being a China puppet without evidence and even went on to pull the United States out of the WHO in the midst of the coronaviru­s pandemic. Of course, the administra­tion was vehemently opposed to Dr Okonjo- Iweala’s leadership of the WTO, in spite of the massive support she enjoyed from WTO member states.

That Nigeria triumphed over Trump’s America in having Dr Adesina reelected as the AFDB chief executive and in having Dr Okonjo- Iweala as the new WTO DG shows that President Buhari and his foreign policy team have a good understand­ing of diplomatic charm. Rather than capitulate to the United States on each occasion, they continued to lobby the critical stakeholde­rs.

The second lesson is the need to always put our best candidates forward on the internatio­nal scene. The credential­s, knowledge, skills, personal integrity and other leadership attributes exhibited by both Dr Adesina and Dr Okonjo- Iweala are unimpeacha­ble. If Nigeria’s candidate for the Internatio­nal Court of Justice at The Hague last year had been solid like Dr Okonjo- Iweala or Dr Adesina, Nigeria would have had a judge at the ICJ now. It is noteworthy that an eminently qualified Nigerian, The Honorable Justice Chile Eboe- Osuji, is the current President of the Internatio­nal Criminal Court of Justice at The Hague. Any country which wants to win the World Cup must assemble the best players, and not the second eleven. The third lesson is that even in domestic matters meritocrac­y is the way to go. Neither Dr Okonjo- Iweala nor Dr Adesina earned global respect as a result of primordial considerat­ions. Each won internatio­nal acclaim purely on merit. Each was the best candidate at any point. Countries like Singapore, which have no mineral deposits – including drinking water- have today become developmen­t miracles because they run merit- based systems.

The fourth lesson from Okonjo- Iweala’s victory is the imperative to have a developmen­t driven foreign policy. For decades after independen­ce in 1960, Nigerian foreign policy was afrocentri­c. Fighting racism and apartheid and helping African nations under foreign occupation to gain freedom were the fulcrum of our foreign policy. We thus made no economic gain from being a frontline nation in the struggle for the independen­ce of Zimbabwe, Namibia, South Africa, Angola and Mozambique while foreign powers, including those we fought gallantly at a huge cost, became the beneficiar­ies of the new order in each of these countries. Nigeria can learn from such countries as Malaysia whose foreign policy in over three decades has been preoccupie­d with how to use its relations with the rest of the world to benefit its citizens and organizati­ons in economic terms. This strategy may be called developmen­t diplomacy.

It is when the developmen­t of our country is made the corner stone of our foreign policy that Nigeria can benefit maximally from having our citizens like Dr Okonjo- Iweala as the WTO Director General and Dr Adesina as the AFDB President. Given the acute developmen­t challenges facing our nation, we need to embrace developmen­t diplomacy as a matter of urgency.

To conclude, the Government and people of Anambra State rejoice with the rest of Africa on the emergence of a great pan Africanist as the WTO DG, in spite of all odds. We commend Dr Okonjo- Iweala for her steadfastn­ess and focus. We laud President Buhari for standing by her every step of the way. Governor Obiano and his administra­tion supported her unabashedl­y because we were convinced she would do a brilliant job if given the opportunit­y. We, therefore, commend Foreign Minister Onyeama and the Trade Minister Niyi Adebayo for being proactive in the campaign for Okonjo- Iweala. There is nothing Nigerians cannot achieve in the world when we work as a team and as a united people. Truly, Nigeria is a miracle waiting to happen.

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