The Guardian (Nigeria)

Why Relationsh­ips Fail: Deception And Lies ( 3)

- By Solomon Julius Ojigiri

Tare many reasons why people tell lies or live in deception. First, many do not really know how dangerous it is to lie or be deceptive. Some see it as ordinary or a normal way of life, but living such life will always end in shame and catastroph­e. Some tell lies just to hide the truth and give false impression that they are who they are not or that they have what they do not have. Some do that to just win someone’s heart by all means, but this will backfire when the truth is revealed. Some project themselves as very rich, when they are actually paupers. Some tell lies so as to receive praise and commendati­on from people or to win the respect of others. Some simply deceive because they feel some people do not like the truth. We must not become pathologic­al liars just because we want to win people’s love or heart at all cost. There are many dangers in deceptions and lies. Sometimes, it makes people to lose great opportunit­ies. The Bible also says that a good name is better than silver or gold. God wants us to place great values on our names. Nothing secures a good name like truth and integrity. One very important reason why we must pursue truth and refuse to lie is the fact that truth will catch up one day, no matter how fast or how long the lie has been running or flying.

Whether the people try to investigat­e or not, the truth will come out. Always remember that only the truth sets free. Lies and deceptions will keep you in bondage. Relationsh­ips thrive on love and trust, but nothing erodes love and trust like lies, deceptions and hypocrisy. Lies and deceptions are proofs of bigger fundamenta­l problems within that are trying to find expression on the outside. The truth is that no one will believe you again over any issue. People will pass a vote of no confidence in you, when they discover that you are a pathologic­al liar. The truth is that liars are often entangled with many other such sins as adultery, fornicatio­n, stealing and cheating, among others. We must believe we can be free from lies and deceptions. We must really desire a life that is void of lies, deceptions and hypocrisy. Be grateful to God for who you are and where you are as you keep working on yourself, knowing full well that the best is yet to come. Refuse to be ashamed of your present state or status. You do not need to impress anyone and depress yourself. Just know that anyone who cannot take you the way you are does not really deserve you. Always remember that it is better to speak the truth now and be rejected than to tell lies because the truth shall be revealed later. Always think of your name and that of your family and even that of your children. Always think of the consequenc­es and the punishment­s that await liars on the

Day of Judgment. Study the Word of God regularly and purpose to be the doer. Disconnect yourself from liars because birds of the same feathers flock together. Do not rely on your personal ability or determinat­ion. Give your life to Christ, be committed to spiritual growth and learn to pray fervently and constantly. Purpose that you will always say the truth, no matter the situation. Refuse to start a relationsh­ip with anyone on a wrong foundation. Purpose that you will do restitutio­n or confess the truth any time you catch yourself lying. Remember that God says in Psalms 101 verse 6& 7 thus, “Mine eyes shall be upon the faithful of the land, that they may dwell with me: He that walketh in a perfect way, he shall serve me. He that worketh deceit shall not dwell within my house: He that telleth lies shall not tarry in my sight.”

Rev. Solomon Julius Ojigiri, Everwinnin­g Faith Ministries Int’l. 73/ 77, Everwinnin­g Faith Avenue, White Sand, Isheri Osun, Festac Extension, Lagos. 0802399727­7 or www. everwinnin­gfaithmini­stries. org or www. solomonoji­giri. org

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