The Guardian (Nigeria)

Honouring God With Your Singleness

- Ayo Daniels is a healthy family passionate TO BE CONTINUED

ONecharism­atic gift that is not often talked about and still less sought after today, is the gift of singleness. Yet it is a precious gift from God that is given to some for whom singleness may be a life calling. When we talk about charismati­c gifts, most people think of tongues, interpreta­tions, miracles and wonders, but singleness is also a gift, it’s not a curse. Very often in many cultural contexts, singleness is looked down upon because of the pressure generated by the society, such that single persons may find themselves spending all their time wishing they weren’t single, thinking that singleness is “bad” without values, and must be tolerated until you can find a partner. Some people even thought they will be more respected, if only they are married, which informed their wrong decision for marriage.

This is a wrong way to view your singleness. Whether it turns out to be temporary or permanent, it is not the least place to be in life because there are special blessings that God gives to the single that aren’t available when you are married. Clearly, there are

“This is a wrong way to view your singleness. Whether it turns out to be temporary or permanent, it is not the least place to be in life because there are special blessings that God gives to the single that aren’t available when you are married

certain individual­s whom God calls to a life of singleness in order to fulfil a specific purpose in their lives. Such individual­s usually respond to that call and God blesses their gift of singleness with celibacy. For most people, marriage will be the norm, but all of us at one time or another will live single lives. It may be for a short period or a long time, but during that season, we need the supernatur­al gift of singleness from God to navigate forward. This means while you are single, you can draw on this power of God’s gift to please Him that has called you to glory and virtue. We should learn how to redeem the single years, not despise them as a period of unfruitful­ness, while “waiting to get married”. Being single is a blessing. It is not a curse and aspersion should not be cast on anyone because of their status as single, separated or divorced.

Jesus made an interestin­g observatio­n about singleness in a conversati­on with His disciples. The disciples were responding to Jesus after He had spoken about the binding nature of marriage. Jesus said that divorce was not a part of God’s plan for His people, and it should be avoided. He taught that marriage was so sacred and binding, and the disciples responded; “If such is the case of the man with his wife, it is better not to marry.” Matt. 19: 10. But Jesus corrected His disciples and in doing so spoke of the fact that there is a special call to a life of celibacy.

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