The Guardian (Nigeria)

Christian Dressing And Moderation


Text: Philippian­s 4: 5

THE topic under discourse is very important for the church and Christians, who want to make heaven. The Lord expects that as believers, our dressing should portray holiness and glory. In fact, God, the first fashion designer, made the first clothing for man and the purpose was to cover his nakedness.

The Lord took out time to instruct Moses in the Old Testament to make a holy garment for Aaron for beauty and glory. This clearly shows how important dressing is to the Lord. But today, we may not go searching for a holy garment; however, we have

the choice to choose and buy good clothes that befits holiness and glory from the market. The kind of clothes someone puts on defines who he/ she is. Man, out of disobedien­ce, has flagrantly gone against the instructio­ns of God on dressing. They have resorted to excuses to defend and justify their highly provocativ­e dresses.

Our body as Christians, is the temple of the Holy Ghost, therefore, we must put on clothes that are holy because our body belongs to God. The Lord owns our body and He is the One that should dictate how the body should be used. Sad enough, some so- called believers have devised a pattern of dressing that is worldly and contrary to the standard acceptable in the sight of God.

The promoters of these worldly dressing are church leaders’ wives, such as General Overseers’ wives. And other members of the church take after them because they adjudged them as leaders and models. They see whatever they do as ‘ Must’ be right before God. But eternity will reveal their nakedness at the end! No one has the power to change the standard of God’s word. Those who paint their face with different colours in the name of fashion cannot escape the judgment of God. On the other hand, those who bore holes on their ears and wear earrings, do this at their own detriment. The Lord is not pleased with these kinds of people, except they repent and accept Jesus.

In the strict sense of it, painting of face ( make- ups) and wearing of earrings, do not make any woman beautiful or attractive. The beauty God endorses is not outward, but inner beauty which is priceless before God. The inner beauty of a woman is her character, which is all encompassi­ng and include, but not limited to the following: holiness, respect for husband, quiet spirit, godliness, among others.

The lust of the flesh instigates worldlines­s and fashion among the people of the world. This drives the world crazy, making the people to commit all sorts of evil that is destroying them today.

The Lord delights that we dress for glory and beauty. Begin a new walk with the Lord today, as you destroy those worldly dresses that stir the anger of God against you.

• For further Reading : Gen. 3: 21; 3: 7; 1 Cor. 3: 16- 17; Lev. 19: 19; Deut. 22: 11; 1Cor. 6 : 19- 20; 2 Kings 9: 30; Ezekiel 23: 14; Jer. 4: 30; Exo. 21: 1- 6; Gen. 35: 1- 4; Isaiah 3: 16- 26; 1 Pt. 3: 2- 6; 1 John 2: 15- 17; Phil. 2: 5; Rom. 12: 1- 2; Lev. 19: 27, 28; Exo 2: 15- 19.

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