The Guardian (Nigeria)

Suffering And Sickness In The Holy Bible

Reasons for believers’ sickness Cont’

- By Emeritus Prof. Mercy Olumide ( Micah

“Again there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them to present himself before the Lord .... 7So, Satan went out from the presence of the Lord, and struck Job with painful boils from the sole of his feet to the crown of his head.” ( Job. 2: 1, 7) ( See discourse on Suffering,


“And behold, there was a woman who had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bent over and could in no way raise herself up. So


ought not this woman, being a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan has bound — think of it — for eighteen years, be loosed from this bond on the Sabbath?” ( Luke 13: 11,16).


SPIRIT Of Infirmity:

Jesus sees some physical sickness as the direct result of demonic activity or oppression. This crippled woman was afflicted by “a spirit” ( i. e., a representa­tive of Satan; see v. 16; cf. Mat 9: 32- 33; 12: 22; Mark 5: 1- 5; 9: 1718; Acts 10: 38).

“This woman … Satan has bound.” It is a detestable sin in Christ’s eyes when a person no longer hears the sighs of suffering humanity ( vv. 11- 14). Jesus teaches that people are imprisoned by sin, sickness and death, and are in distress and great need ( vv. 11,16; Mat 4: 23; Acts 26: 18). Today we are in great danger of becoming insensitiv­e to the world’s misery and suffering because of the entertainm­ent media that revel in showing immorality and violence for the sake of pleasure. True disciples will be like their Master, able to see the distresses of life and hear the groaning of creation ( 10: 33- 37; Rom 8: 22).

3. Demons Can Cause Physical Illness In The Human Body

Demons can cause physical illness in the human body ( Mat 9: 32- 33; 12: 22; 17: 14- 18; Mark 9: 20- 22; Luke 13: 11, 16), although not all sickness and disease are the result of evil spirit ( Mat 4: 24; Luke 5: 12- 13). Various kinds of activity are attributed to demons. In demonic possession an individual is so affected that his actions are influenced by a demonic spirit. Terms such as “evil spirit,” “deceitful spirits,” and “unclean spirits” are

used to identify demons in the NT. Demonic possession has various manifestat­ions, which include: muteness ( Matt 9: 32; 12: 22;

Mark 9: 17,25; Luke 11: 14); deafness ( Mark 9: 25); blindness ( Mat 12: 22; John 10: 21); convul sions ( Mark 1: 26;

9: 26); superhuman strength ( Mark 5: 4); and self- destructiv­e behaviour

( Mat 17: 15). The NT does not separate the actions of the person from thos e of the demon. Physical changes such as masochism ( Mark

5: 5) and an unnatural voice

( Mark 5: 7) are understood as the demon’s control of the individual.

4. Sickness Can Be Due To


Sin brings God’s judgement. “Therefore I will al so make you sick by striking you, by making you desolate because of your sins.”

6: 13)

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