The Guardian (Nigeria)

Resistant mosquito may scuttle Africa’s plan to eliminate malaria

• New species once seen only in India, Persian Gulf now confirmed in Ethiopia, northern Nigeria, Sudan, others • 40% surge in malaria cases linked with mosquito resistant to insecticid­es used on bednets, indoors spraying

- Female Anopheles mosquitoe By Chukwuma Muanya CREDIT: SCIENCE NEWS

Anew study has linked an invasive insecticid­e- resistant mosquito native to South Asia to an unpreceden­ted urban outbreak of malaria in Ethiopia, the most compelling evidence to date that the mosquito, which is fast expanding its range, could cause infections to surge in areas of Africa with previously low rates of disease.

The report, presented over the weekend at the Yearly Meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene ( ASTMH), follows reports of a suspicious 40- fold rise in malaria cases in neighborin­g Djibouti since 2013, with novel evidence that this mosquito, which was not confirmed in Africa until 2012, is a significan­t threat to the goal of eliminatin­g malaria on the continent.

A molecular biologist with the Armauer Hansen Research Institute in Addis Ababa, Dr. Fitsum G. Tadesse, said: “Malaria in Africa is typically associated with rainy seasons in rural areas, but this mosquito produced a 10fold spike in malaria infections in just three weeks in an urban area during a dry season.

“Also, unlike the mosquitos that typically transmit malaria parasites in Africa, this one is best known for its ability to thrive in man- made water storage containers like what you see in rapidly expanding urban neighborho­ods.”

The outbreak occurred in Dire Dawa, a city of about 500,000 people in eastern Ethiopia that typically records only about 200 cases a year. But between January and May 2022, when rains are scarce and infections are particular­ly rare, about 2,400 cases were reported.

An investigat­ion by Tadesse and his colleagues found that a mosquito known as Anopheles stephensi caused the surge. They also found that the mosquito was resistant to the insecticid­es most commonly used to control malaria via treated bednets and indoor insecticid­e spraying.

Most malaria in Africa is caused by a mosquito species known as Anopheles gambiae, with population­s rising and falling with the rainy seasons that swell rural waterways.

Anopheles stephensi mosquitoes have long been the primary transmitte­r ( vector) of malaria in urban areas of

India and Iran. But they were never seen in Africa until 2012, when they were reported from Djibouti, a tiny East African country of about one million people that, at the time, had been close to eliminatin­g the disease.

A. stephensi mosquitoes likely arrived in shipping containers, Tadesse said, but they did not appear to be a significan­t threat until 2020, when they were suspected as the cause of the steadily rising number of malaria infections in Djibouti since 2013.

Now, new evidence that they were the source of the Dire Dawa outbreak— coupled with recent evidence of A. stephensi mosquitoes thousands of miles away in Nigeria in West Africa— is ratcheting up concerns of a new front opening up in Africa’s longrunnin­g battle against malaria.

Africa suffers 95 percent of the world’s 627,000 annual malaria deaths, and most victims are children under age five. In recent years, progress against the disease has stalled.

A disease ecologist and A. stephensi expert with the U. S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC) who works with the U. S. President’s Malaria Initiative ( PMI), a key partner for the Ethiopia study, Dr. Sarah Zohdy, said: “This is not like any other malaria- carr ying mosquito we have seen in Africa before.

“This mosquito’s ability to persist in the dry season and in urban environmen­ts has the potential to alter the landscape of malaria in Africa.

“It could cause malaria to expand from a predominan­tly rural disease to both a rural and urban challenge that also impacts Africa’s rapidly growing and densely populated cities, where infection rates have been comparativ­ely low.”

Meanwhile, a separate study presented at the ASTMH Yearly Meeting reported new evidence that A. stephensi mosquitoes are ubiquitous in and around households across nine states in Sudan. Zohdy said the concern with the detection of A. stephensi mosquitoes in Sudan— and also Nigeria— is that they could follow the pattern of Djibouti, where there was a lag of several years between the mosquito’s detection and its link to a surge of malaria infections.

Zohdy said that United

States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC) and United States President’s Malaria Initiative ( PMI), which is co- implemente­d by USAID and CDC, are actively working to mitigate the threat of A. stephensi by utilising enhanced vector and disease surveillan­ce. PMI and CDC are also collaborat­ing with the World Health Organisati­on, which just launched an initiative last month to stop the expanding range of A. stephensi in Africa.

In addition, PMI is leading the deployment of interventi­ons informed by A. stephensi’s unique biology, including the developmen­t of ways to limit breeding sitesin urban areas.

Tadesse said that in the wake of the outbreaks in neighborin­g Djibouti, malaria experts in Ethiopia were alerted to the potential threat from A. stephensi mosquitoes. He said Dire Dawa is a rail hub linked to Djibouti. When malaria infections suddenly surged earlier this year, he said he and his colleagues “immediatel­y started thinking ‘ stephensi,’” and “we jumped in to assess the causes of the change.” Driven by urgency, the team, including Tadele Emiru and Dr. Deiene Getachew, completed their fieldwork in just over two months.

In addition to linking A. stephensi to malaria infections, Tadesse and his colleagues conducted extensive tests in water sources around households and neighborho­ods where cases occurred. They found evidence of malaria carrying

A. stephensi in nearby water containers, confirming what was already known from extensive work in India, where A. stephensi is known as mainly a “container breeder.” But he said they also found plenty of

A. stephensi mosquitoes at the edge of streams and nearby rivers.

“We should be careful about considerin­g it as just a container breeder,” Tadesse said. “It can survive in man- made or natural water sources. It also can feed on animals or humans. Basically, our findings indicate it can survive anywhere, so we need to be looking for this mosquito in places where, previously, people were not expecting to find it.”

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