The Guardian (Nigeria)

Farmers raise concern as fertiliser price hits N28,000

• HOMEF, others call for adoption of Agroecolog­y

- From Joke Falaju, Abuja

FARMERS have raised concern over the skyrocketi­ng price of fertiliser, saying with the current cost hitting N28, 000 per bag and food prices coming down in the market, they are now producing at a loss.

A farmer from Jigawa State, Nasir Abdul, who raised the alarm, said, “in my area, which is a semi desert region, the land texture has become depleted, so, we have to increase our fertiliser applicatio­n to make our crop do well. On one hectare of land, I apply six bags of fertiliser, with the price of fertiliser hitting N28, 000 and food prices coming down, I am making little or no gain. While speaking at an Agroecolog­y workshop organised for farmers at Yangogi Farms by Health of the Mother Earth Foundation ( HOMEF), Abdul stressed the need for farmers to embrace agroecolog­y, saying the move will help reclaim “our lands, protect the soil, protect the environmen­t and our health also.”

He stated that agroecolog­y, which utilises organic farm inputs is far better, less expensive and increase yields, as well as farmers profits, compared to inorganic or chemical fertiliser that needed to be applied every year, keeping depleting the soil.”

The Chief Operating Officer of Bethehead foundation, an agro forestry project in Damankosa village, Kwali Area council, Robert Kwasari, while explaining the importance of agroecolog­y, said his farm was set up to change the narrative of convention­al agricultur­e, which is input based, He explained that agroecolog­y also known as zero budget farm, entails sourcing for inputs from farmers and by so doing they are giving money to the farmers rather than taking it from their pockets. “It is a regenerati­ve method of agricultur­e where everything happens naturally as against the input based agricultur­e, “he said. Speaking on the economic benefits, Kwasari said under this method of farming, farmers’ revenues increase from better yields. Kwari added that farmers could earn about N50m to 60m from trees planting on their farms within four to five years.

He said, “We can prove this because we planted Ukalytus on one hectare of land and from one tree you can earn about N30, 000 from selling the Ukalytus pores and when you multiply it with the 500 trees planted, it’s about N50 million. Now, imagine if you have 10 to 15 types of economic trees, that will definitely increase the revenue base of the farmer.”

Kwasari noted that asidefrom the economic benefits, the benefits of trees to the environmen­t is unquantifi­able as they take up carbon dioxide from the air and store it in the soil, saying not only is the farmers earning more but making the environmen­t better.

He, however, mentioned that farmers are used to convention­al methods and convincing them from using chemical fertilizer into adopting agroecolog­ical method might not be easy, but said government needs to know that providing fertilizer to farmers is not the right way but adopting the eco- friendly method.

The Programme Manager, HOMEF, Joyce Brown, who expressed happiness over the project, said it shows they have been campaignin­g for works as the farm is a practical demonstrat­ion of how agroecolog­y practicall­y works and farmers are being encouraged to transit into agroecolog­y as a way of farming.

She said, “we say return because that is what we were doing even before the advent of new innovation­s including chemical fertilizer,

GMOS and all sorts of things under the industrial agricultur­e system. So, we are exposing farmers to natural organic method of farming that is very independen­t of external inputs.

“We are told that the resources they used for farming are sourced from the farm with this they will be able to increase income, farm in an ecological friendly manner and their health will be preserved as well.”

She mentioned that promoters of GMOS and other method of farming do so because of the challenges faced by farmers, especially with drought, pest and diseases among others.

 ?? ?? Deputy Consul General, Netherland­s Consulate in Lagos, Leonie Van der Stijl ( left); Chairman, Mile12 Internatio­nal Fruits and Vegetables Market, Alhaji Shehu Jubril; Head of Marketing, Ecotutu, Michael Akinsete; Lagos State Commission­er for Agricultur­e, Ms. Abisola Olusanya; CEO of Ecotutu, Babajide Oluwase; Public Affairs Officer, US Consulate, Lagos, Joseph Kruzich; and Group Head, Retail Banking at Zenith Bank, Mr Lanre Oladimeji, during the Ecotutu launch.
Deputy Consul General, Netherland­s Consulate in Lagos, Leonie Van der Stijl ( left); Chairman, Mile12 Internatio­nal Fruits and Vegetables Market, Alhaji Shehu Jubril; Head of Marketing, Ecotutu, Michael Akinsete; Lagos State Commission­er for Agricultur­e, Ms. Abisola Olusanya; CEO of Ecotutu, Babajide Oluwase; Public Affairs Officer, US Consulate, Lagos, Joseph Kruzich; and Group Head, Retail Banking at Zenith Bank, Mr Lanre Oladimeji, during the Ecotutu launch.

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