The Guardian (Nigeria)

Marriage, Money And Happiness

- Email: lovearena@ holyspirit­mission. org

IT was a gathering of some adults. As the discussion went on, a compere said: “If you are not happy when you do not have money, you will still not be happy when you have money.” One of the intelligen­t men instead argued that for a man who has responsibi­lities and does not have enough money to meet those responsibi­lities there is no way such a man would be happy.

As a marriage and family counsellor, many eyes looked at my direction on what I had to say. I forgot to add that that statement made by the gentle man received a thunderous ovation. Those who know me more intimately, who were part of the audience, knew that I would want to swim against the tide of public opinion, which I did.

I explained that any marriage whose only or major source of happiness is money is not solid enough. I made it clear that while money is very important in marriage, couples should endeavour to build the foundation of the happiness of their marriage on love, kindness, contentmen­t, patience, among others and not on money only. I am not saying that money cannot bring happiness to your home. I made reference to how I started life on a financial footing above average and my finances later nosedived.

I told them that while I did not want to remain in such a situation, I decided to be contented with whatever quality and quantity of food I could afford. I also became very sick. And I needed to buy antibiotic­s. I pleaded with a friend to lend me some money with a promise to pay him back later. But because I could not pay him back early enough, he said he would seize my television set. I then unplugged it and put it his car. I started singing songs of joy and praise to God afterwards. I remained happy.

I told them that there were few periods when sadness would want to come, but I chased it away by deciding to be happy. I made it clear that being happy is a choice, which should be determined from the heart and not just by money. A man or woman whose happiness is determined only by money is not qualify enough. So, I said that couples should learn to be contented with each level of life they find themselves. I quoted 1Timothy 6: 6- 8: “But godliness with contentmen­t is great gain… And having food and raiment let us be therewith content.”

A man who is financiall­y down should make up his mind to be happy and pass this happiness down to the wife and children. When the Bible says: “Rejoice always I say rejoice,” it did not only refer to when there is money. It means that man has the ability to rejoice without money. It is in such a state of contentmen­t, ( and not murmuring as the Israelites did in the wilderness) that pleases God and makes Him fight your financial battles for you.

At the end of my explanatio­n I asked whether they agreed with my views and I heard a loud, “yes!” What’s your view? Love you!

If you are not happy when you do not have money, you will still not be happy when you have money. Rejoice always I say rejoice,” it did not only refer to when there is money

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