The Guardian (Nigeria)

Police nab fake EFCC operatives for robbery, kidnapping in Nasarawa

- From Abel Abogonye, Lafia

NASARAWA State Police Command, yesterday, arrested three fake suspected Economic And Financial Crime Commission ( EFCC)) operatives who abducted some students of Federal Polytechni­c, Nasarawa..

Spokespers­on for the command, DSP Ramhan Nansel confirmed the developmen­t.

He said a distress call was received at about 12: 45a. m. that four individual­s posing as EFCC personnel, using a Toyota Corolla, Green in colour with registrati­on number, Abuja YAB 509 TT robbed some students of Federal Polytechni­c Nasarawa at Samakwe Lodge behind Government College, Nasarawa Local Council.

According to him, the hoodlums abducted one Adudu Kingsley, a National Diploma ( ND) II student of the same Polytechni­c. “Reacting to the unsavoury developmen­t, Police operatives gave the suspects a hot chase, and a roadblock was mounted at Laminga junction to stop the suspects from escaping with the victim, but they hit the barrier and fled.

“Furthermor­e, Police operatives at Anguwan Madugu were contacted to mount another roadblock, which the suspects sighted from a distance; abandoned their operationa­l vehicle and the abducted student and fled.

“Luck ran out of one of the suspects as he was caught and beaten mercilessl­y by an angry mob before the arrival of the Police while others fled.

“The suspect was rescued from the mob by the Police and rushed to Primary Health Care, Laminga, where he died while receiving treatment,” he said.

Nansel added that the operationa­l vehicle of the suspects was recovered and taken to the station where a search was conducted and two identifica­tion cards identifyin­g the fleeing members of the syndicate were recovered.

He stressed that a follow up investigat­ion into the case led to the arrest of three other members of the gang.

They are Hyelda Aliyu Ibrahim, Henry Patrick Okwu and Shuaibu Abubakar ( the operationa­l driver of the syndicate) all males of Custom Quarters and Up Market area of Masaka where one iphone 12 promax, Huawei and one Tecno Spark 5 earlier robbed from some of their victims and Fake EFCC identifica­tion cards were recovered from them as exhibits.

“The suspects have confessed to be the syndicate responsibl­e for robbing and terrorisin­g student areas in Keffi and Nasarawa Local Councils.”

“Effort is ongoing to arrest one identified suspect that is at large and victims of their nefarious activities have come forward and identified the suspects.

“The Commission­er of Police, CP Umar Shehu Nadada has ordered the transfer of the case to State Criminal Investigat­ion

 ?? ?? Suspects

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