The Guardian (Nigeria)

Catholic bishops caution government on deployment of AI


CBishops of Nigeria ( CBCN) has urged government to approach the developmen­t and deployment of Artificial Intelligen­ce ( AI) digital technology with ethical considerat­ion despite the enormous benefits.

The bishops stressed the need to ensure balance that prioritise­s human welfare alongside technologi­cal progress, mindful of the ethical and moral dilemmas, as well as risks such as job displaceme­nt, threat to peace in the world, spread of falsehood through propaganda, manipulati­on of the human person, and privacy concerns through advanced hacking and deepfakes.

President of CBCN and the Catholic Archbishop of Lucius, Iwejuru Ugorji, who stated this at Maiden COMWEEK Public Lecture, organised by the Catholic Secretaria­t of Nigeria ( CSN), yesterday, in Abuja, observed that Al should be a tool for empowermen­t and progress, not a source of division and destructio­n.

He said: “As we stand on the cusp of a new era, shaped by Artificial Intelligen­ce, we are all called to be both shepherds and stewards, shepherds to guide our flock through the complexiti­es of this digital age; stewards to ensure that the technology we embrace serves the common good and reflects our values.

“As my special contributi­on to this conversati­on on Al, I wish to stress that we need to walk this path with caution, wisdom, foresight, and a deep sense of responsibi­lity. Echoing the mind of the Holy Father Pope Francis in his message for 2024 WCD, let us embrace Al not as a force that diminishes our humanity, but as a tool that amplifies our capacity for empathy, compassion, understand­ing, and service. Al is to build bridges, not barriers; to heal, not harm; to unite, not divide; to reinforce the image of God in humanity, not to destroy or replace it’.

Ugorji noted that the Catholic Church had ceaselessl­y emphasised that collaborat­ion between Al experts and social developmen­t practition­ers was crucial to identifyin­g areas where Al could significan­tly contribute to the common good.

He pointed out that the theme of the event, ‘ Artificial Intelligen­ce: Challenges and Opportunit­ies for Evangelisa­tion and Social Developmen­t,’ underscore­d the church’s commitment to addressing not only the moral and spiritual welfare of people but also their social and material needs.

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