The Guardian (Nigeria)

Man and his environmen­t


OUR environmen­t is undoubted fouled up. The physical is there for whoever cares to see. Of course, there are a great many that do not see and, therefore, do not care while there are those who see but do not care; they cannot be bothered. The inconvenie­nces they may have caused to their fellowmen, what diseases may have issued from filth to threaten their compatriot­s resulting from their attitudes do not move them.

Chambers 21st Century Dictionary defines environmen­t as “the surroundin­gs or conditions within which something or someone exists.” Thus we talk of business environmen­t; we talk about economic as well as political environmen­t. So is it that we also speak of cultural environmen­t, school environmen­t or social environmen­t. An environmen­t can be hostile. On the other hand it can be peaceful, harmonious and uplifting.

The dictionary even goes further, saying the environmen­t could be external: “The combinatio­n of external conditions that surround and influence a living organism.” It is not infrequent that some people speak of profession­al environmen­t. The environmen­t comes under the all- encompassi­ng tangibilit­y and the intangibil­ity, either with waves of influence, the former assailing our eyes and the latter our feelings and sense of well being if it is disagreeab­le.

Government­s at different tiers make laws and bylaws to regulate the environmen­t to make it beautiful, enchanting and welcoming for the overall wellbeing of the citizenry. Consider heaps of refuse or gutters not cleared. These make for ugliness, an eyesore, and incubating shelter for diseases. The gutters soon begin to send out disgusting stench. Think of the great harm and destructio­n to life and property unconscion­able blockage of water ways and flood- control channels can inflict on the generality of the populace. Water which pathway is blocked will always find its way. To avert widespread disaster, affecting even the unsuspecti­ng members of the community, the decisive action of a government especially in flood- prone terrain becomes a blessing in disguise to the society as a whole.

A conducive environmen­t by way of law and order triggers business or investment instincts and confidence. These make for economic developmen­t and social wellbeing of a people. But there is more to the environmen­t. It encompasse­s the wider unseen world with far greater influence on our earthly existence and in our lives later in the Beyond, in the ethereal world. What our state here on earth, hardly realised, is moulded in the world unseen. It is, therefore, often heard that it is the environmen­t that moulds the man and that man is a product of his environmen­t, his fortune or misfortune, his experience­s et al.

The influence the environmen­t impacts, it is argued, is such that the fate of a man is sanctioned by the conditions of his environmen­t. In the enlightenm­ent of these times, we now know that this settled notion is erroneous. In other words the station or situation in which a man may find himself is arbitrary and it is not so. It is similar to the “mystery” surroundin­g why good people suffer and why manifestly evil men prosper! Why should a good man be born in abject poverty and a wicked man into opulence? This is a thought we human beings have grappled with for thousands of years. They are questions for which strenuous efforts have been made in the search for answers.

The questionin­g has arisen from lack of understand­ing of man himself and more importantl­y mankind’s perception of God and His Nature. The result is that there is a wrong image of God the Almighty Father. He is often reduced to the level of an earthly King, or at most the King up there, a few miles above the clouds, overlookin­g every human being and every creature. He is so placed to be able to read everybody’s mind.

What we must recognise that The Almighty in His Omnipotenc­e is infinitely and inconceiva­bly greater than that. We must get it clear that arbitrarin­ess is impossible in the ways of the Creator, the Almighty. It is His Wisdom that rules the world. It is the Wisdom manifestin­g in the Creation- Laws which He uses as mechanisms to govern His Creation. Consider it if it were not so: The incomprehe­nsive and inconceiva­ble vastness of Creation alone, the seven universes in the material world, that is the World of Gross Matter which abuts the Creation proper, separated by a ring of the Animistic where animals have their origin.

The Creation proper is where the Paradise of we human beings is.

Consider the billion of galaxies in our universe called Ephesus. The earth is only a planet in our solar system anchored around the sun. The sun itself is only one of billions of stars in our galaxy, the Milky Way. Each of the seven universes has its own solar systems and galaxies and each solar system and galaxy with its own planet— all Creation in living activities, working and weaving, and weaving and surging , and sparkling, energy fields far away from and to regions incomprehe­nsible to human reasoning, and immeasurab­le.

It is little known that the Ethereal World which is the Beyond is by far bigger than our earth. It is vastly populated in its own different planes by human spirits still developing or trapped by errors and misconcept­ions as well as wrong teachings spread while on earth. These are different from multitudes in the Dark Region.

On earth today, the population is said to be about 7.8 billion human beings. How is God Almighty to deal with every individual on earth and those struggling to shrug off the burden of their guilt if he were to relate to us in the manner as is generally believed? Scant attention is paid to neither His Omnipotenc­e nor His Omnipresen­ce, both attributes of the Creator which are least understood. It is knowledge and understand­ing of His Wisdom expressed in the Laws, the principles that reveal how sublime His Ways are and how unrelentin­g, ceaseless, immutable and just the mechanisms that govern life are.

With the understand­ing of the mechanisms, that is the Creation/ Divine Laws it will be seen that it is man who forms his environmen­t. He is the architect of his own fortune. He forms his environmen­t with radiation threads he supplies for weaving at the loom of life manned by the Nature Beings— where they are at work. The radiations flow from his thought volition, speeches or actions in the exercise of his free will, asserting his freedom of thought, freedom of speech and of action.

Man in the exercise of his free will is free to think and choose. Didn’t the Lord Christ say that it is not what goeth into a man’s mouth but what cometh out of it that defileth a man? However, he bears spiritual responsibi­lity for what he thinks or does. Thought may be unseen, speeches could be heard and action seen or felt. Laws govern the whole of Creation. In the knowledge mediated to man today, we are permitted to recognise the fact that these laws are perfect, uniform, immutable and self acting not just in the whole of Creation but in the activities therein as well. The laws which govern by extension a man’s placement, whether the choice of family, or social relationsh­ip are the Laws of Attraction of Homogeneou­s Species, the Law of Reciprocal Action, the Law of Spiritual Gravitatio­n and the Law of the Cycle. These constitute the manual of Creation as they are the expression of the Will of God Almighty.

The manual of any product is produced by the manufactur­er. For a pilot and the flight captain of an aircraft to fly their aircraft successful­ly and safely, they must be conversant with the manual of the model of their aircraft and abide by it, its content and the direction it gives. It is the same with automobile­s. The manual for car tells us about tyre gauge, oil gauge, water gauge, speedomete­r, and when to change accessorie­s. The car guarantees safety and gives pleasure and joy to him who is familiar with the manual. The Almighty Creator is the Author of Creation’s manual. Those who sojourn under the folds of His Creation have the bounden duty to be familiar with this manual so they do not constitute a hindrance and nuisance to the harmonious working of Creation. Legislator­s give expression to the will of their constituen­ts through laws. With all the mechanisms in place, living and selfacting, indeed self policing, the Almighty does not need to directly intervene in the cares of men and world conditions. These are left to the living and incorrupti­ble mechanisms of life, the outworking of the

Only goodness as a way of life and purity of thoughts can reverse the darkening of the environmen­t and the impending doom.

Holy Spirit, the Creative Will and Justice of God personifie­d the eternal Mediator.

A set of Nature Beings weave the ethereal radiation threads from thoughts into forms in accordance with the contents of the thoughts so issued. Another set do the same with the radiations that stream out of speeches. Ethereal waves go out of actions and woven into forms. These forms bear energies within them and through the Law of Similarity and Like attracting Like; they attract similar thought forms from any part of the world. The thoughts are thereby reinforced and they form power centres. All the forms are firmly linked with the author of the deeds, thoughts, speeches or actions. They are seeds in the soil of life. When they have gone through maturation processes like the seed of any plant, the fruits ripen for harvest by the sower. The harvest can be in the form of darkened environmen­t around the sower.

The forms and power centres are not necessaril­y those of evil alone. There are power centres from where blessings flow as well. Good seeds will produce good fruits. As such returns from the power centre that consists of goodness form light environmen­t around the sower and he feels light and glows. He knows joy and happiness, peace and harmony. He senses some wholesomen­ess in Creation. Thus, in the words of Herbert Vollmann in his The Gate Opens, “The environmen­t does not form and mould man, but man forms the environmen­t, in that his nature attracts other homogeneou­s kinds or is attracted by these, as with incarnatio­n. Thus he creates for himself that environmen­t in which he lives, with which he associates or ‘ keeps company’. Hence the saying: ‘ A man is known by the company he keeps.’ We could also say: Our environmen­t is our mirror- image!”

However, the ethereal environmen­t has been darkened and is now full of filth because evil is more prevalent in countries and the world in general as of these times. What with the devastatio­n, mindless killings and destructio­n of properties in Russia- Ukraine War and the Hamas- Israeli War! The bloody conflict in Sudan counts as part of the evil sweeping through the world for which there will be dire consequenc­es for the perpetrato­rs in another earthlife. What with the air of forebodeme­nt resulting from the unabating insecurity challenges in Nigeria: banditry, kidnapping­s and killings!

Because of the pressure of the Light through the power of the Holy Spirit, power sweeping through all lands, in the proverbial End - Time that has already descended on the earth, there is intensific­ation and accelerati­on of events and closing of cycles— the end going back to the beginning and therewith the ripening of fruits, and harvesting. The darkened environmen­t is laden with tribulatio­ns and misery as consequenc­es of wrong actions, the breach of the incorrupti­ble Laws.

Today, the animated darkened environmen­t is pushing for manifestat­ion in all parts of the world. Intuitive perception which is the infallible guide for man is masked resulting in the collapse of values and high- mindedness. We are told that mankind are at the moment living in a time of the Cosmic Turning Point, the last Turning point when our universe, Ephesus, is moving to the last phase! It is a phase of compulsion to knowledge invoked by unbelievab­ly harrowing experience­s; a phase negligence and carelessne­ss will avenge themselves bitterly. Only goodness as a way of life and purity of thoughts can reverse the darkening of the environmen­t and the impending doom.

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