The Guardian (Nigeria)

Epidemic kills hundreds of cattle in Taraba

- From Charles Akpeji, Jalingo

C ATTLE owners in Dorofi, Kwarakwara, Furmi, Mayo- Ngada and other villages in Sardauna Local Council of Taraba State have suffered significan­t losses due to an outbreak of cow disease.

The bug, identified as haemorrhag­ic septicaemi­a, at the time of filing this report, was reported to have claimed thousands of cows. When contacted, the Commission­er for Agricultur­e and Food Security, Prof. Nicholas

Oliver, confirmed the outbreak yesterday in Jalingo. The state government, he said, had deplo yed veterinar y offic ers to the affected communitie­s to contain the disease.

Oliver urged residents to support efforts of the veterinary officers in treating and vaccinatin­g the remaining cows.

Governor Agbu Kefas, in collaborat­ion with the ministry, the commission­er added, had initiated measures to prevent the disease from spreading to neighborin­g communitie­s. The response plans, which according to him, are in two phases – include treatment and vaccinatio­n of the affected cattle - would remedy the situation. Th e council chairman, Salihu Yerima, lauded the governor’s prompt response and reiterated the council area’s commitment to facilitati­ng the vaccinatio­n team’s work. Saddened by the developmen­t, the Sarkin Fulani of the council, Saidu Ba wa, confirmed th at over a thousand cows ha ve died fro m the disease. On his part, the fir st- class traditiona­l ruler of the area, Audu Baju, said he had previously alerted the state government and the National Veterinary Centre to the outbreak. He commended the governor’s swift interventi­on and appealed to authoritie­s to provide assistance to the affected cattle owners. Some herders, who expressed their distress, urged both the state and federal government­s to provide immediate relief to mitigate impact of the disaster.

 ?? ?? Egyptian Ambassador to Nigeria, Mohammed Fouad ( left), and former Vice President, Namadi Sambo, during Egypt’s National Day celebratio­n in Abuja.
Egyptian Ambassador to Nigeria, Mohammed Fouad ( left), and former Vice President, Namadi Sambo, during Egypt’s National Day celebratio­n in Abuja.

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