- Onah @onahluciaa +2349088352­246

February 4th is World Cancer Day, a day set aside internatio­nally to raise awareness for the disease known as cancer. The different kinds of cancer are all deadly, ranging from skin cancer to lung cancer, prostate cancer to breast cancer, and the fight to prevent, detect, and treat these cancers continues.

Some people have taken it upon themselves to put an end to the rise of cancer in Nigeria; one such person is Dr Omolola Salako, an Oncologist who founded Sebeccly Cancer Care, Pearl Oncology Specialist Hospital, The Oncopadi app, and Prosecare AI, a digital patient monitoring platform in Nigeria.

She decided to start the fight against cancer after she lost her sister to the disease. Her inspiratio­n to become an oncologist stemmed from caring for her sister and a desire to enhance the quality of cancer care in Nigeria. At one of her organisati­ons, Pearl Oncology Specialist Hospital, their three-fold priority—prevention, treatment, and survivorsh­ip, reflects their commitment to closing the cancer gap. According to her, 40% of cancers are preventabl­e, so prevention takes precedence, with an emphasis on educating individual­s on reducing their risk of developing cancer and promoting healthy habits.

Her interview is very informativ­e; I urge you to read it on pages 8 through 10.

What is an ultra-feminine wardrobe? It usually features soft hues, delicate prints, and dainty detailing. Pages 4 to 5, our fashion pages, guide you on how to build an ultra-feminine wardrobe.

These days, we mostly have virtual meetings; this era is dominated by them and online content creation. But you don’t have to be caught unawares for your next virtual meeting; look your best on camera. Our beauty page shares tips to help you look picture-perfect for your next virtual meeting or when shooting content for social media. See page 13.

You’ll find more fantastic content on the other pages of this magazine.

Until next week, enjoy your read.

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