Bucket List by 40! 10THINGSTO­DO


They say life begins at 40. They also say a fool at 40 is a fool forever. In your 20s and 30s, you wonder why it has to take so long for ‘life to begin’ and not

until you have attained this age will you truly understand the depth of these phrases. So if you are 40 and above, here are some of the key things you

should have done by now…

Get MoreSpirit­ual

Whatever your religion is, learn to connect with your creator on a much deeper level. You must begin to enact some of what you have read and make a positive impact on the people around you. You must learn to use your words more wisely and make statements with more depth. You must accept that there is a greater realm higher than mother earth and this must reflect in your mannerisms and general behaviour towards people.

Learnto Play an Instrument­PickaPlace­andGoVisit

By 40, pick at least one country that you’ve always wanted to visit, and make it happen. Save enough money to achieve this goal. Create a plan to save a little money and store up some vacation time to go. And if you cannot afford to travel abroad, go somewhere peaceful and just savour the beauty of nature around you.

Write Letters Appreciati­on

Don’t make the mistake of not telling the important people in your life how much they’ve impacted you. Even if the letters are short, by 40, think of the people who have helped shape you as an adult, and let them know what they’ve meant to you.


There is a saying that says ‘hate hurts the hater more than it hurts the hated’. By 40, make an effort to make amends with anyone in your life that you have any ill feeling towards. Shake off the negative energy and you will feel much lighter with yourself.

Apply ForThat Dream Job


Don’t look back later in life with regret, wondering what could have been. Even if you don’t think you stand a chance, there is no harm in trying…worse still, you won’t know until you try! It may not lead to any dramatic career choice, but unless you give it a shot, you will never know.


Everyone has a good story in them. You don’t ever have to publish it or even share it with anyone else, but it’s an exercise of selfanalys­is that everyone should go through at least once. You might not win the Pulitzer price for your effort but it will be good to have a brief summary of your life so far… who knows, it might be something to reflect on in your quiet moments.

We all wish we could play the piano like John Legend or the guitar like Jimmy Hendrix. No harm in doing some lessons to pursue these desires as a new hobby. The music might not be chart-topping numbers but the pleasure of your new ‘talent’ will know no bounds. Who knows? Maybe you even a have a hidden talent that’s just waiting to be discovered.

Be A Mentor


You’re never too old to learn from someone older than you—and to teach someone younger. You will be amazed how many smiles you will put on such people’s faces if you take them under your wings, and likewise the satisfacti­on you will derive when learn a thing or two from a much older friend.

Face Your Fear

You might not be able to totally conquer your fears but you should face them. Whether it is a particular thing or sport, take steps to control your fear as an adult and make sure it doesn’t have to control you.


There are a ton of organizati­ons that continuous­ly require financial assistance, some cost next to nothing on a daily or monthly basis. Commit to any NGO of your choice. Make a commitment to put something aside every month for such ventures. Or you can ‘adopt’ a child who you have decided to sponsor through school. However you choose to follow this path, be responsibl­e for the education of at least one child outside your family.

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