Are you divinely co vered?


It was a Sunday like any other, the young couple with two toddlers heading off to buy groceries to break their fast, a young teenager negotiatin­g the fare with a commercial biker, better known as Okada. Other Okadas sat idly by waiting for passengers. People stood at the crowded bus stop waiting for the next bus heading their way. A car was stationary on the motorway waiting to make a left turn with other vehicles slowing down behind it. Nothing about this scene was out of the ordinary nor was I prepared for what happened next.

Sudden do a truck bearing down the motorway and unable to stop in time, tapped the young couple from behind. The momentum turned them into the left lane, ramming me violently. That then turned them back to the right lane where they hit a minivan and before anyone could say another word, the vehicle turned once more to the right and careened into the bus stop knocking over several bystanders and Okadas. All we could say was Jesus and nothing more as the car came to a screeching halt, the teenager lay under the car, a motorbike crushed under the front wheel and commotion erupted everywhere.

God is often called merciful and on this day, He was full of it. As the dust settled, the teenager miraculous­ly emerged from under the car with nothing more than a flesh wound on his head while others had bruises and cuts. As I thought through the occurrence­s of the day, I couldn’t but wonder what role I played in it all. Leaving home that morning, for the first time in years, I rushed off without a prayer. I forsook my daily morning devotion on the excuse I was going to church after all and didn’t want to be late for worker’s meeting leaving myself vulnerable to forces beyond my control. The little things we take for granted very often leaves us without the divine cover we need to see each day safely to the end.

How often do you leave home without a prayer?

May God’s mercy cover us all the days of our life.

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