- By Konye Chelsea nwaBogor

If you’re a female reading this, chances are very good that you’ve looked at the likes of Kayla Oniwo and Kate Henshaw, wishing you could get similar perfectly toned arms. Well, while we encourage you to play around with outfits and work out new ways to flatter your arms regardless, here are some tips help you work towards achieving toned arms.

Drink Water

Drinking lots of water can both help you lose weight and help you appear thinner. Bodybuilde­rs have been using water as a means to pump up their muscles days before a contest as it can sometimes aid in the illusion that your arms are tight. As to whether this works or not, I’m not sure. But, however I am sure that drinking water has so many other health and fitness benefits that it certainly would do no harm if you indulge.

Cardio, Cardio,

If you want to get toned, defined and thinner arms then you need to increase your training intensity. You need to make your cardio workouts explosive and you need to put those underworke­d arms and legs under some full on stress (in a healthy way). Instead of doing only the usual bike ride or treadmill run adding a few sessions of sprints and boxing, etc. per week. You will notice a huge difference.


Skipping will boost your arms progress by miles. They get a great workout while doing cardio – what could be better? You will notice increased weight loss, increased muscle definition and you can do as much or as little of it as you like depending on how thin you

your arms.

Use Whey

Sometimes we don’t get enough protein in our diets especially as our typical Nigerian diets feature a lot of carbs. If this is the case for you then you might want to consider using a protein powder to supplement your diet. Whey is arguably said to be the best protein. It works hard and fast in the human body and seems to bring the best results for everyone. Using a protein powder straight after your weights workout in a post workout milkshake is particular­ly useful.


– Hit up a boxing class This is a no-brainer, come on, think about it. In a session on the heavy bag the arms have to tense on impact of punching, wind up to punch, etc. It can be very hard work but if you are the type of woman who has a lot of problems with big, flabby arms then boxing may be the best thing you can do. Like skipping it allows you to get a heavy cardio workout whilst working the muscles. Bonus.

Weight Loss

– Remember that toning really means weight loss and so if you want to tone your arms you really need to focus on losing fat. It is fat that makes arms look soft and it is losing that fat that makes your arms look hard, defined and toned. As I always say, it doesn’t matter how nice your muscles are, if there is a layer of fat covering them you will never get to see them. So, if you are having trouble toning your arms then perhaps you should shift your focus to weight loss practices like a clean diet and good cardio as opposed to weight training five days a week.

Have Fun

Worrying about toning your body can really get you down. It can be a long and very hard process and if you take yourself too seriously in that time you can end up feeling pretty low.

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