
Meet Princess Kelechi Oghene, an ex model and fashion lover who runs a fashion academy with the aim of educating and empowering women. In this interview, she lets us in on offerings at The GMYT fashion academy and why it stands out from other fashion schools. What was the motivation behind The GMYT fashion academy?

I am very passionate about fashion and it’s literally what I have done my whole life. My mum was a seamstress, most of my siblings too; it is everything I do and all I want to do. Who is it for and what are the offerings?

At GMYT Fashion Academy, we train students to become not just fashion designers but also fashion entreprene­urs. We are committed to creating the next generation of fashion entreprene­urs. It is a successful driven company well known for creating solutions for women, girls and youths through skill acquisitio­n in fashion. At the time you decided to launch this, what was your personal goal?

For me, it was basically all about creating the next generation of fashion entreprene­urs through fashion. So, what does the institutio­n look for in students while admitting them? The main thing is the zeal and genuine love and passion for fashion. I believe you don’t just go into fashion and designs just for the sake of it. You need to have aspiration­s. What are some of the valuable aspects of being a student at this Academy?

At GMYT, we are open to a lot of exposure and knowledge, and you are taught at your own pace to ensure the Instructor­s impact you adequately. How does the Academy stand out from other fashion Institutes?

We don’t just focus on cloth making alone. We try to make sure our students get a feel of other aspects of fashion. We offer a whole bouquet of skill empowermen­t trainings which include pattern drafting, free hand, manual & digital illustrati­on, fabric beading & embellishm­ents, accessory beading, fascinator & hat making, children’s wear, master class, men’s wear, bridal class, tie-dye, and entreprene­ur sessions and so much more. You only just need to listen to testimonia­ls from our former students to get a feel of what I am talking about. Currently based in Lagos, do you have plans for expansion? Yes. We most definitely do, but it’s a work in progress. What advice do you have for those who want to pursue a career in fashion?

Don’t think about it for too long, if you have what it takes and you are passionate about it, get yourself enrolled at a Fashion Academy and you’d definitely be amazed at the things you can do. What’s your number one fashion rule? When it comes to personal style, there are no rules.

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