Make today your morning.


Reading Ben Obaigbena’s tribute to his dear mother, I tried to imagine what it was like for the late Princess Margaret Obaigbena to juggle nursing school with the responsibi­lities of being a mother and a wife. Talk about dedication and resilience. It got me thinking about new beginnings. Some of us entertain the fear of starting all over again. I know I have been there too. We get to the point where we have to make that decision and then tell ourselves,” No, I am too old to go back to school, or it’s no, it’s too late in life to start that business or generally begin all over again’’. My mother has a saying, ‘’whenever you wake up, that is your morning,’’ which loosely translates to mean - it’s never too late for new beginnings. Considerin­g a significan­t life shift in your later years can feel daunting. I can imagine it’s enough to send anyone into an existentia­l crisis. After all, you’ve invested a lot of time and energy getting to where you are. But it would help if you remember: you’re never starting from scratch. And this is true for career shifts and massive changes to your personal life, too. You can lean on your years of experience for self-reinventio­n. New beginnings can occur at any age. There’s no limit to how much you can grow, learn, and become a better person. There’s no time when you must stop.

Any decade of your life provides an opportunit­y

Konye for self-improvemen­t and growth.

We all have only one life to live. Drop all the excuses and decide to make today your morning.

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