The Look That Men Find Most Attractive

You don’t need to go full-on smoky to make your eyes pop. After choosing your favorite eye shadow, line your eyes using a black or dark brown shade. It should be thinner at the inner corner and a little thicker at the end, that way it gives the eye a lift


Once in a while on Beauty File, we like to take into considerat­ion a guy’s point of view and one of the things we hear them say over and over again is how they prefer a nomakeup or low-makeup look. ‘’No makeup?’’ we squeal in horror, ‘’No way.’’ But as it turns out, according to a new study published in The Quarterly Journal of Experiment­al Psychology, both men and women find women more attractive when they have less makeup on. Who would have thought?

For the study, researcher­s recruited 44 women to model for photograph­s. They presented the models with a wide range of makeup and asked them to apply it as if they were going out for the night. The models were photograph­ed pre- and post-makeup applicatio­n.

Then these photos were altered to create 21 pictures of each woman with various amounts of makeup on and presented to 44 observers (22 male, 22 female). The observer could move through the images smoothly, seeing a gradual increase and decrease in makeup. They were then asked to choose which version of each woman was the most attractive to them, which version they thought would be the most attractive to men, and which version they thought would be most attractive to women.

Interestin­gly, women preferred a bit more makeup than men did (but not much). But here’s the major news: The models put on over 30 percent more makeup than any observer found attractive, which was also more than what any observer thought others would find attractive. So chances are, you’re overdoing it on the makeup front.

Both men and women thought that other people would prefer more makeup than they themselves preferred—so apparently, we think we’re in the minority if we prefer a more natural look. And both sexes assumed that men would prefer more makeup than the women would; in reality, the opposite was true.

Well, there it is—when it comes to makeup, less really is more. So, if you’re piling on products to please anyone other than yourself, you might want to use that old jewelry trick and take one thing off before you leave the house.

Ready to take things down a notch? Here are seven beauty looks to get that natural look.

You want something that gives enough coverage without totally covering you up. We don’t want to see foundation and concealer, we want to see skin. Look for oil-free products if you have especially oily skin, and opt for moisturisi­ng foundation­s or tinted creams if you’re on the drier side. And go easy with matte finishes; if you go too matte, it starts to look like makeup and not skin.

Highlighte­r is one of those tricky products that is easy to get wrong. If you go too light, you’ll risk a whitish or silvery effect. Pick one in your skin tone so it just looks like you’re glowing. Apply it right at the highest point of your cheeks for a little shimmer when the light hits you.

Beauty File can’t stress how important it is to define your brows. Our secret weapon: eye shadow. Use a dark brown shade and fill eyebrows in with shadow and a brow brush, rather than a pencil. This will give off a softer, more natural look. But don’t be afraid to consult a makeup artist for the right product, since finding your perfect shade can be difficult.

Beauty File believes every woman should have a no-mirror-lip-color. That’s a lipgloss or lipstick that you carry around in your purse, you don’t need a mirror to put it on, and you know it’ll look great. To find this magical shade, look at your natural lip color and go one shade brighter or a shade darker, depending on what you prefer. Garcia also suggests opting for a creamy formula, which tends to be more forgiving and natural looking.

You don’t need to go full-on smoky to make your eyes pop. After choosing your favorite eye shadow, line your eyes using a black or dark brown shade. It should be thinner at the inner corner and a little thicker at the end, that way it gives the eye a lift. Then top with a few coats of mascara, making sure to go all the way to the lash line, which helps define and lift the lashes.

 ??  ?? Nafisah Mohammed
Nafisah Mohammed

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