Under-Reading Violence

- Wole Soyinka –– Prof. Wole Soyinka is a nobel laureate in Literature

For the avoidance of all doubt, let it be clearly stated that I am against political violence from any direction and for whatever reason. I especially deplore the stoning of President Jonathan’s campaign convoy. I go even further: I caution those who were responsibl­e that if the assigned protection corps for this nation’s president overreact and respond with bullets, no one should scream violation of their fundamenta­l human rights. Stoning a president is violation of his human rights and, in a time of national tension such as the present, extremely dangerous. Intending suicides are advised to find other, and legitimate means of assuaging their frustratio­ns. The same goes for every level of campaign convoy, visitation, or gathering – be they at governorsh­ip, local government, senatorial or whatever level.

So as not to miss the point, let me also remind impetuous slingshot Davids that Goliath Mbu is the latest kid in town, fresh from his triumph in ‘taming’ governors all over the nation, and reveling in his new elevation for jobs well done. A political jobber by instinct though a clamberer through the police profession, he has wasted no time instructin­g his men to return violence for violence, fire for fire. He has been displaying his new attire and pips all over the place, demanding to be noticed – as if his facial snarl is not already plastered over the pages of media annals of police infamy, reminiscen­t of the good old days of one Inspector- General Adewusi, who would appear on television dripping with gas- canisters and grenades, with a detachment of Kill- and- Go:

“You see those men. The’re not called Kill- and- Go for nothing. They are trained to kill. They only hear the command ‘Go’, but never the order - Stop.”

Adewusi was Impunity dressed large in police uniform. He mired himself in direct politics – no subterfuge, no subtlety, no inhibition­s. He virtually told the electorate which candidate to support – all others were public enemy. He attended meetings of the political caucus of the ruling party and laid down the line. It is clear that AIG Mbu has emerged from the same mould. Is History about to repeat itself in microcosm? Adewusi was sacked by the Buhari coup and vanished from the police political rostrum. One thing about coups however – the supporting cast of anti- democratic villainy always go scot-free. Remind me, o historians – is my memory faulty, or was it not publicly announced that he was retired with his full entitlemen­ts? And a few days later, that he had indeed collected all retirement emoluments – at unpreceden­ted speed. By contrast, his victims went on to spend years in prison.

This warped apportionm­ent of deserving it must be that drives such officials to treasonabl­e conduct under democracie­s. If the trend changes, and even the police are made to account for abuses of office, abuses of the collective rights of citizens, then perhaps we might see the end of arrogant partisansh­ip in the performanc­e of police duties.

We preach non-violence, but preach this across the board. The electorate must refrain from violence, so must the state and its agencies. Electoral rights have to do with freedom to associate, freedom to express, and freedom to move. This it is that makes it morally wrong to stone a presidenti­al convoy. Unjustifia­ble, and reprehensi­ble. But what we must learn to insist upon, and defend with our last breath if need be is that the same freedom of movement must be accessible – and protected – to all, as basic right. When a soldier denies an elected official freedom of movement to travel and lend strategic, mobilizing, or simply moral support to contestant­s of his own party, and is STOPPED, and compelled to turn back - is this some new form of pacific rule that bears no relationsh­ip whatsoever to violence? For those with short memories, I am speaking of the travesty of democratic order that took place in Ekiti where a sitting governor and his convoy were stopped, threatened with guns and prevented from exercising their civil rights. Here, just to refresh memories, are my words of warning over that event:

“Where governance has degenerate­d to such a level that any individual, on account of his uniform, can stop an elected representa­tive of the people, in this case a governor, from going about his legitimate duties or exercising his basic, elementary right as a citizen – as happened during the recent Ekiti elections – we do not need to guess what happens in a situation that calls for general mobilizati­on.”

The same military are now menacing the residences of prominent political figures who happen to be in opposition to the government. Neither ever asked for police protection. One, a governor, has made no complaint of a breakdown of law and order, the other has not let out an SOS for rescue at the hands of miscreants. We witnessed a similar violation of both state and people’s rights over the oil subsidy protests, when Federal Might took over a state facility, the Gani Fawehinmi Freedom Park, without the invitation of the state governor, and without his knowledge. There is only one word for this gross misconduct – Fascism.

The signs multiply – from direct acts of impunity to the abuse of the uniformed forces through co- option, such as are being revealed through exposed recordings, shaming a nation through the complicity of both the elected, and the supposedly profession­al forces of law, order and public security. This is a new low in the life of this nation, and a grave portent for the future of democracy. It bodes ill even for the postponed elections. Is the postponeme­nt truly to ensure enfranchis­ement for the entire electorate? Or to fine-tune a new strategy for the absolute and total cooption of the uniformed services?

We insist that the presidenti­al convoy must pass unmolested. We must also insist that a procession of the meanest citizens in this nation be allowed freedom of movement.

President Jonathan, it is not too late: LIFT THE SIEGE!

 ??  ?? Soyinka

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