Ikot Ekpene Wins Mobil Schools Athletics

Emem emerges best athlete


It was thrills galore at the Akwa Ibom Internatio­nal Stadium on Saturday as the week-long activities marking the 14th AKS/NNPC/MPN Schools Athletics Championsh­ips was brought to an end.

Governor Godswill Akpabio was on hand to watch the best of schools track and field, especially the display of Emem Peter Ekwo of Modern Comprehens­ive Secondary School Ikot Ekpene, who emerged the best athlete of the day winning the girls, 100 metres, 200 metres and 400 metres races.

Emem also anchored her school relay team to win bronze in the 100 and 400 metres relay races, carting home a personal cash prize of N115,000.

Her windfall increased after a delighted Governor Akpabio, impressed by the promising display of the students rewarded them with cash incentives. Each of the 500 students got N5,000 cash while an extra N5,000 was donated to each of the 72 medals winners.

The display of Miss Ekwo contribute­d greatly in helping Ikot Ekpene Zone emerge the winner of this year’s competitio­n with nine gold, five silver and seven bronze medals.

Uyo Zone was to follow closely with eight gold, two silver and three bronze medals, while Eket Zone emerged third best with four gold, eight silver and four bronze medals.

Best Male athlete was David Jeremiah Uko of Tp Faith College Essien Udim, who won gold in the Long and High Jump events.

The highlight of the event was the presentati­on of a gold plated plaque to the governor by the students for the “provision of a world-class sporting edifice that will help improve the sporting aspiration­s of the Akwa Ibom child in particular and the Nigerian youth in general.”

Elated Akpabio thanked the students for the gesture and rewarded them with cash prizes while urging them to aim at the skies.

National Athletics Coach, Gabriel Okon, who was present to monitor the championsh­ip poured encomium on Emem, predicting that she will go places if well nurtured.

“She is definitely a future champion in the making. The world should watch out for her,” he predicted.

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